Plot: [center][i]Egypt. It was a wonderful place. I remember the fresh water of the Nile, and the glorious facade of the Pyramids of Giza. The children laughed as they played along the riverbank with those innocent smiles on their faces. I remember it all. I remember the light more clearly because our beloved land is now in chaos. The Ottoman invasion left our people starving, and the violent rule of these oppressors lashed out every hope that my brethren had. As if these weren't enough, the British scums, led by Napoleon Bonaparte, lay siege to our beloved motherland. The clangs of iron, the roars of cannons, and the smell of gunpowder waltzed upon the battlefield of death and decay. My brothers and sisters were put to the sword and flame; our culture was beginning to die out. Is this the end of our brotherhood? Is this the end of the Assassins of Egypt? No. No. NO! We will fight! Fight fang with fang, fight fire with fire! We will reclaim our land! ARISE, ASSASSINS OF EGYPT! Raise your voices and seethe your rage, sons of Altair! Draw your sword, draw your bow, fight 'till the end! Drop your arms only when the flag of liberation has been raised upon Upper Egypt! Will you flee and be remembered as cowards, or will you fight and be known as HEROES!? Onward, assassins! Show these invaders how our brotherhood rages against the dying of the light![/i] -[b]Amenmeit Shabaka[/b], Mentore Assassin of the Brotherhood of the Nile.[/center] The Brotherhood of the Nile is the assassin sector of Egypt. The former hideout of the Brotherhood was located in Thebes, Upper Egypt. However, with the rise of the invaders, the assassins were driven out towards Lower Egypt where they now reside in the Lower Egypt capital, Memphis. Lower Egypt is heavily underdeveloped, and as such, crime is at an all-time high. To add insult to injury, even with all the poverty in Lower Egypt, the invaders still come and ransack the land. Now, that the Brotherhood is fighting back, they managed to control multiple areas in Lower Egypt which they now protect against the invaders, and criminals alike. However, vast multitudes of lands still belong either to the rule of Bonaparte or to the Ottomans. The goal of this Brotherhood is to take back their hideout at Thebes, and drive out these invaders from their fair land.... once and for all. [hider=Rules] 1. Be Cool (That includes the basic tenets of RPing) 2. Have Fun 3. The real GM is ImmortalAssassinAmissi 4. Try not to speed post, and give others a time to post. 5. Will add :3 [/hider] [hider=Assassin Territories:] Memphis (Capital) Leader: Amenmeit Shabaka - Mentore Assistant Leader: Assassins: Giza (Common Training Grounds) Leader: Assistant Leader: Assassins: Dahshur (Lookout Location) Leader: Assistant Leader: Assassins: Alexandria (Trading Station/Dock) Leader: Assistant Leader: Assassins: [/hider] [hider=Ranks] -Ranks determine the ability, wisdom, and trustworthiness of an assassin. As assassins do missions, and gain points for it, they have the chance to be promoted into a next rank, and are awarded a new weapon. 1. Novice- The lowest assassin caste. The members of the Novice class are, originally, given no weapons. However, in these perilous times of Egypt, all novices are given a rusty dagger to begin with. 2. Initiate/Neophyte- Members of the Initiate caste are given the standard Hidden Blade, and are now eligible for assassination missions, provided that they are approved for that mission by a higher officer. - 4 Points 3. Apprentice- Apprentices are now given the standard short sword, and a leather armor. They are now permitted to undertake escort/guard missions, and even assassination missions without having to request permission AS LONG AS they have a higher officer with them on that mission. 4. Soldier- Soldiers are now given throwing knives up to a maximum of 5. They are now permitted to undertake assassination missions on their own provided that they asked for proper permission. -9 points 5. Disciple- Disciples are now given leather gloves to aid them in climbing. The Disciples are also given a choice between a Longsword and a chain-material armor. Disciples can now undertake escort/guard missions on their own. -15 points 6. Mercenary- Mercenaries are now given boots/foot-gear. The knife limit is increased to 8. Mercenaries can now apply to become an Administrator, the position which approves or rejects mission proposals. -25 points 7. Warrior- Warriors are now given the liberty to take as many knives as possible (reasonable context). They are now also awarded with a Sand Bomb with a maximum of 3 for this caste. -35 points 8. Veteran- Veterans are considered to be eligible for the position of Hideout Leaders. Veterans are also given the privilege of forging a sword to their tastes and preferences. Similar with Altair, they can choose the design of their sword. -45 points 9. Mentore/Mentor/Maestro- Mentors are considered as elite assassins who should not be trifled with. They are extremely powerful, and skilled when it comes to the assassin arts. They can now carry up to 5 Sand Bombs, and they are the most common leaders of Assassin Hideouts. They can now forge another weapon for their preferences. - 60 points 10. Assassin- The highest rank known in Egypt. Each Assassin-ranked member will be required to have either their left or right cheek branded with the insignia of the Assassin Order. Yes, this will give them away to their enemies, but what does an Assassin have to fear? In reality, those enemies should be the ones who are afraid when they see that mark.- 100 points [/hider] [hider=Points] There will be missions that would be posted from time to time... Players can take on these missions (Note the restrictions based on rank), and at the end, when they are successful, they will be given a set amount of points. Members are required to keep track of their points within their respective CS[/hider] [hider=CS] (Short Quote that defines your character) Name: (If an Egyptian assassin, find an egyptian name. If you're a foreign assassin, you can have a foreign name, but explain in your bio how and why you went to Egypt.) Age: (18 Above) Appearance: (Description or Picture is fine) Rank: (Most players will often start from Novice until Apprentice ranks... unless the GM says otherwise) Gear/Equipment: (Take note of your rank. You can also add additional things you might have) Starting Location: (Refer to assassin territories) Short Biography: Points: [/hider] [b][i][u][center]Available Missions:[/b][/i][/u] [/center]