The embers of fire lit dimly as her eyes opened, slightly caressing the blinking green's light. She felt the need to just close it again and go for another five minutes. Her eyes closed, yet it opened again-- This time the stretch of her eyelids forced themselves as if it was some sort of sentient life as it pulls the red-headed girl to her feet as the Pod's cockpit opened. This place looked... Peculiar. It was distinctively cube-like. Having eight corners all connecting at equal points. Something felt amiss in the air but she couldn't put her finger for what it was. Everything felt... Different. Those lazy scarlet eyes recalled on the green-lit message. Time for Stage One. Memory Function was impaired. Whatever that could've mean... She looked, upon the lightly reflective screen of the pod to spot a beautifully figured woman-- one that she quickly learned was her as eyes peeled to her ownself and she began checking her own appearance out, how incredible she had looked despite being nude. People were looking, but there felt no shame. "You're looking great, Lebriance~" She whistled to herself. "Good morning, I am the Overmind." The voice that cloaked the dagger of an assassin struck her earlobes with its booming cut. She felt no sense of being threatened as the voice echoed through the cube but it prompted her to search for the source of the voice. Mainly by looking up. "I apologise for the lack of memory though you will remember your name..." "Lebriance... Saint." She looked around her-- slowly noticing the presence of others and she became alerted. Were they the ones who spoke that to her? How come all of them were nude too? "Down the hall to your right, there is a room. It has your clothes and equipment inside. Dress, and Prepare."As the voice receeded in a sea of silence, Lebriance brought her arms to cross underneath her chest until everybody made a move. The cold wind kissed her bare body, and shivers ensued before she started to collect herself. "Oh damn it! It's cold!" She wrapped herself around with her arms, making a quick dash for the room down the hall to her right. A spacious room filled with grand tools of war. Her eyes were intimidated, but she felt a homely vibe. Amongst the other tools, the suit that stood out like an angel had captivated and pulled her into its holy embrace. She felt at peace, yet fearful for the incredible power it holds. The suit reverbed upon Lebriance's approach. As if it sprung itself into life. right beside the suit, was a one piece latex-suit. She slowly feathered her hands to reach for the suit and played her fingers around the weave. "Beautiful..." She slowly dressed herself with the latex suit, zipping the front together as suddenly the Battlesuit de-compressed itself open with a sudden series of mechanical sounds. She had a look at the Angel suit. It looked like... It was made for her. The grooves of the thighs, the size of the arms and even the height of the battle suit were tailored seemingly for her. She finally gathered her courage and slowly inserted herself into the suit, at which immediately clamped her entire body together. The system prevented her from moving. But once the suit began to glow a reddish aura, she began to be able to move again-- but feeling even lighter than before. She felt weightless like a feather. Her senses were rising off the charts as she felt her sixth sense quickly kicking in to work and her hidden psionic powers suddenly becoming unlocked and attuned to the suit's systems. It was overwhelming power at her fingertips. Her wings began to twitch, and eventually move. Her eyes began to glow like laser pointers.