[center][b][i]An introduction to the Vault, Secrets and information being hidden away from the light. A collab between Little Alice and Lesli.[/b] Part II A grim lesson. ----------- Summary : This is the second part of where Kiyomi and Meisa are inside the Vault, walking through it and shedding a bit of light on it. It is also where the start and fate of the Ghost ANBU are being made by the two kunoichi. [/center][/i] --------------- [hider=Part II] The door was closed behind them. The room was not that large, but there was some furniture present. [b]''Now time to become serious''[/b] Meisa mumbled as she and Kiyomi would see several bodies, wrapped in bandage. Each wrapped body was placed on a small table and before each, in front of the feet of each one was a small paper. With the names of the person on it. [b]''It is very simple. I want you to think very well about a choice. Here are three members that have great potential to become Ghost ANBU members. But more than that, they have each a link to you or somebody who is close to you.''[/b] Meisa calmly explained as she walked a few steps toward the tables. [b]''Right now they are being kept in some sort of sleep and won't either hear what we say or what happens.''[/b] Meisa briefly looked at the wrapped bodies. [b]''Each and single one of them has been warned about that I would do this. That you would choose only one that would be able to retain his or her memory and they have all reacted on it differently.''[/b] Meisa paused briefly as she would look back at Kiyomi. [b]''You may ask five questions and after those are needed to make a decision. And if you won't make a decision.... I will be forced to make one.''[/b] The last few words were spoken with a harsh tone that made the message even more clear than it already would be. Kiyomi grew silent at the words of Meisa. Slowly approaching the tables, she looked at the names and mentally cringed. Katsuko Moto, Ryo Katsu and Yumi Hasewaga. Five questions was all that she could ask and the first one was to question Meisa why her? Why her and not somebody as wise and intelligent as Zakito or Hisoka? But she wanted to become Hokage. Thinking about it, Kiyomi could understand that there was a lesson behind it, but she feared the consequence of a choice. Slowly walking to the table where Katsuko was laid on, her expression hardened. She wasn't fond of him. He had berated and patronized her and insulted her. By saying that she had always been a star, which was far from the truth, he was in her opinion an ignorant and rather arrogant person. Yet, she didn't wish him to be hurt as she knew better. He was loved deeply by his family and it was a family she didn't want to disappoint. Clenching her right hand into a fist, she would head to another table. Ryo Katsu. She didn't personally know him that well, but knew a thing or two about him. He was a very close friend of Kensuke. Somebody that meant a lot to her too, thus not choosing him would result in hurting Kensuke. And she knew that he already suffered a great deal. The vision of Kensuke as a kind of big brother figure made it only harder to try to ignore Ryo as a possible option. Briefly she wondered if she would like him. Heading to the last person, Kiyomi's lips curled down. Leo had been in great pain when she had brought the news that Yumi had ''died''. He had found some new motivation, but recently he had hit a depression. Something that Kiyomi felt terrible and guilty for. Wasn't she not responsible as his sensei? But no matter how hard she tried, she couldn't get Leo out of it. Her plan was that she could try to help out any of them with using a more reversed manner of erasing memories. By implanting the memories of others into the said person, but Kiyomi wouldn't voice that. Though she was sure that she was on very friendly terms with Meisa, going against her would only cause self harm. Not really what Kiyomi was a big fan off. Yet, who should she pick? Frustrated, Kiyomi tried to stay calm and decide to ask a question. [b]''Will they be hurt in the process?''[/b] [b]''No. The process will happen while they are like this. The ANBU that will do perform the jutsu are already waiting till we are done here so that they can perform their order.''[/b] Meisa calmly answered back. She could already guess that Kiyomi was in some serious debate with herself and who wouldn't be? Team 4 wasn't just chosen because they were a team with good records, but this was also to learn her apprentice a crucial lesson. One that she would hopefully learn and value afterwards. It was a very small relief. At least they wouldn't feel pain. It didn't remove or ease it the frustration or guilt. Biting on her lower lip, she kept pacing back and forth. The three names were ringing through her mind, but she couldn't figure out who she should try to pick. [b]''What happened before?''[/b] She asked, trying to use the second question to buy some more time to think. [b]''They have been requested to come to me in the headquarters of the Intelligence Division. Then I had a small talk with them. Ryo was the easiest of them. He accepted his fate. Yumi was a bit colder, but didn't argue. Katsuko, he quite of started to judge me. But I guess that you know them better than I do.''[/b] Meisa said. She placed her hands on her back, paying attention to how Kiyomi would react and what she could read from the expressions of the girl's face. [b]''Then we paralyzed and knocked them out cold. The ANBU then searched them for any hidden seals or secrets on their bodies while they were kept in a state like this. Yumi and Ryo had no secrets to their body. Katsuko however had some seals. I personally made sure that they were removed. All expect one, but Zakito-sama was willing to do that one.''[/b] The fact that Yumi had been a bit cold about it was something that Kiyomi had expected. Katsuko judging Meisa was a given too, certainly after how he had spoken about her and so ignorant that he had made a judgement over that was not even realistic in her opinion. She hadn't been sure what to expect of Ryo, but was mildly surprised that he had accepted a fate like this. That made her feel bad that she almost had decided that she wouldn't see him as a pick. A person that freely wished to become a better asset to protect the Fire Union like that was very likely a good person. [b]''I-''[/b] [b]''Kiyomi, sweety, you can ask all you want. Really, you may even ask more than five questions but lets be realistic.''[/b] Meisa said, interrupting the girl with a harsh voice. The friendly expression had shifted to a cold one. [b]''You will need to make a choice. As a leader you need to be able to make a hard decision like this on a daily base. Every time you need to send a team this situation will play. If you don't make a decision, it will be made for you. Do you understand this?''[/b] Meisa asked. Cringing by the words of Meisa, Kiyomi didn't want it. For a moment she felt small and weak. To choose which life had the right to remember what they had endured and such, to do that was a task she hadn't ever done before. It was very different of ending a life, cause that ended when she would sever it. This was different as they would keep on living with two not fully remember their entire life. That fate was very cruel in her eyes, but she slowly understood the lesson. It was to teach her that decisions often were grim as this one as the leader. [b]''I don't know.''[/b] She whispered, looking scared at the three bodies. [b]''You don't know.''[/b] Meisa slowly repeated as she would take a few steps towards Ryo. The faint light would flash on the blade of a knife. [b]''Time is ticking, Kiyomi. If you don't know, then what will you do?''[/b] The question was asked in a calm and polite manner as Meisa's eyes were still focused on Kiyomi, but the knife close to Ryo's throat. Seeing the weapon, Kiyomi's eyes widened. She wasn't sure what to say. Her heart skipped over a beat as she realized what Meisa meant. But what to choose? Yumi was somebody that she considered a friend and that could help her later as an adviser. Katsuko was important for some of her family, even though he was a judgmental prick. And Ryo had her sympathy for what she had heard about him and that Kensuke was kind of fond of him. [b]''I don't know! I... I ..''[/b] The girl muttered as her face turned pale. The knife sliced was flipped up as Meisa would then plunge the knife into the skull of the boy. [b]''Then I have made my choice. Erase the memory of the girl.''[/b] Meisa ordered. Her fingers of her right hand were a bit stained by the blood that had splattered out of the wound. Leaving the knife in the skull of Katsuko, the boy hadn't made a move. Not even a sigh as his life had ended. Several ANBU quietly would enter the room as Meisa gave them the orders. [b]''The Hokage wants that the captive hold summoning of the boy is finished as well. Make sure that it ends like him. Quick and painless.''[/b] Looking back at the pale girl, Meisa didn't look with a stern look. But with a sad expression. Pale, cold and in shock, Kiyomi had witnessed it all. She didn't want to use her sharp eyes or senses. But they made it all more clear than she wanted. Time itself slowed down as she saw how Meisa plunged the knife right into Katsuko's skull, ending his life. Then the orders to erase Yumi's memories and ending Katsuko's summoning. They had even Hana captive? Kiyomi's lower lip trembled. She was responsible for this. All because she hadn't been able to make a decision, one had died and she wasn't able to choose which one of them would retain his or her memories. Her hands slowly went to the side of her head as she tried to process the situation. No, this was unfair. She couldn't make a decision so this wasn't her fault. Right? She wasn't the leader and thus blood wasn't on her hands. Yet, she knew better. Lowering her hands, she quietly watched how the ANBU entered the room. It looked so surreal. Like it was a bad dream she would wake up from. Then just eat some breakfast and enjoy her free day. [b]''... I am sorry.''[/b] She lowered her head as the bodies were moved. She couldn't muster the courage to look at them. Embarrassed and hurt by guilt she couldn't even cry. This was her fault. [b]''Take the further day free. Tomorrow too if you need it. You're dismissed, Kiyomi.''[/b] Meisa said. Flexing the fingers of her right hand, she briefly glanced at the blood. Knowing that the lesson was a very grim and perhaps cruel one, Meisa hoped it had the desired effect. To make it clear that being a leader one had to choose between people and see beyond the point of friends and relatives. To choose who would be the better choice to help protect the village and state.[/hider]