[img]http://i.imgur.com/cPsmEd6.png[/img] [b][u]Cuttersbury: Trail towards Drych Lake[/u][/b] “Ahahaha, this is awesome!” As his gunblade swung through the air, parrying against the three Varrens surrounding him, all jumping up and down and swiping at him with their long sharp claws in tow, Tobi looked to be absolutely oblivious to the danger he was in, and more then anything else, was simply laughing. He had a very unusual sense of humor, finding great joy and mirth in the situations that were most dangerous, and this… this was a lot of fun. He turned and spun, swinging his gunblade up to parry and knock back an attacking Varren, as he spun his body around to deflect another attack from behind him. As the second Varren was sent recoiling off, a third hopped and bounced in the air, jumping at him with both dangerously sharp claws reeled behind its back, shooting forwards directly at the marauder’s chest… before being sent flying backwards with incredible force, rolling backwards and falling into one of the several holes made by the Varren that led to their underground tunnels. “This is great fun, eh Nani?” Tobi smirked as he glanced to the pirate over his shoulder. Smoke wisped up into the air from the barrel of his gunblade, the force of the shotgun implement having done a considerable amount of pain to that third Varren, pain it would surely remember. It would have one hell of a bruise, although it was a shame about the new hole the Varren’s shirt would sport on its chest. “How are you doing? Do you need any help?” He cocked the gunblade, a spent shell flying out and bouncing off the ground. His victory was shortlived, however. In his overconfidence, one of the two Varren from earlier had gotten back up and charged at him again, this time curling into a spiked ball, and bowling Tobi over from behind. He was sent flying backwards just like the third Varren from before, and straight towards one of the holes as well! Except this time… This time, Tobi fell into one head first, and became stuck halfway at the waist. After a second of remaining motionless, exasperated muffles and moans came from him, and his legs thrashed about wildly in the air. Tobi was now stuck, just like Estelle, and both in need of help.