And then there was just the boulder, instantly turning the inn into a warzone. A jagged brick flung itself through the room, hitting Sonia in the shoulder. Had she not been toppled over by the shaking of the building, it would have hit her squarely between the eyes. Through the dust rising from the sizeable hole in the wall, Sonia spotted whatever had thrown the rock. [i]Ugly fucking...[/i] Unsteadily, she got to her feet. A few people seemed to have been struck by rubble, but many of the inn's patrons—those who hadn't been summoned here by the Crimson Company—were strewn about the room, mostly unharmed. Old instincts came over her. She'd have to get them out. She glanced over at one of her new allies, one of the elves, who'd just entered the room on her bloody [i]horse[/i]. She seemed to be looking for survivors as well. Sonia whistled at her, unsuccessfully at first because of dust in her mouth. She spat two times and whistled again. "Oi! Over here!" she shouted, gesturing at a group of people caught beneath—and likely saved by—a round table. She'd need help getting that off them.