[quote=Lalliman] @Drall: Yay for teamwork! Though you might wanna mention how wide and high the wall is, that may be important for Schradinger's next move. [/quote] Ok so, somehow i missed all of the banter that went on regarding this wall cause i didn't have the sense to click previous page after going to the latest post. Thus, my comment was irrelevant. And yes i give Ug Nug permission to join in, if you feel like he can accomplish anything. Even a sneak attack is very unlikely to take out Evvie or Gregor, and Adrian, the only one who might go down to it, has backstab immunity. So yeah :| And i'm not opposed to the cave-in teleportation proposal. @Notdeadyet: Regardless of the reason, the ability to make anyone completely immortal is quite a game breaker, let alone yourself. But whatever, we'll wait for your reworked CS before giving any further criticism. And i'm glad you took our criticism well. As for rating him, i'm not too fond of giving ratings, especially since i know little about the world Jynxs is from, which makes a big difference in how i would view the character. He would make a great anime villain, i can tell you that. Though in terms of abilities, i can't help but legitimize Skally's claim of Sueishness, due to the sheer amount of gratuitous powers Jynxs has. Then again, for all i know everyone in his world is capable of that. Anyhow, i think there's a good character under there, but he needs a lot of work.