Rucks smile faded as the captains decision dawned in him, sure he could stay in this ship for now but the next port? He could be tossed aside! Like a mackerel smaller than the rest of the catch! Or a catfish which the fisherman couldn't be bothered preparing! The thought put Rucks on edge, he had to prove himself loyal to the mission. But hadn't he done that already? He very much doubted any of these people had throw themselves off a dock to near certain doom for this mission. He needed something with a bit more pizazz. But that could wait for later, he pushed against the barrel supporting his weight and knocked it over stumbling to the deck, he wheezed due to the stress on his newly broken ribs Andries to push himself back up to little avail. What to do? Wait until someone helped him? Wait until he got kicked off the ship? No, he couldn't show weakness if he wanted to get to that treasure. Of course standing was too difficult, the stumble had made sure of that so instead Rucks hatched an ingenious plan! By that of course I mean he crawled to the stair leading down to the deck, every once in a while clutching at his chest. The stairs were certainly the trickiest part. It's not really something he did often enough to have practice, so Rucks ended up hauling himself down half clinging to the banister. No wonder by the down he'd gotten to the bottom he was slumped against a wall panting heavily.