[img]http://i.imgur.com/ylO8F8C.png[/img] [b][u]Cuttersbury - Near Drych Lake Spa[/u][/b] Tch! Moira clenched her fist as she began to push herself up, only for her to have to suddenly roll to one side to avoid another Varren's slash. Damnit this lot were persistant - although she knew they were like that already. They'd already trapped two of their number! Thankfully, she felt the warm glow of Amy's buff wash over her to join Marcus's pre-existing agility one. Ah. She could always count on those two. "Come at me then," she hissed. Why were these monsters reminding her so much of a certain Bro? She couldn't put her finger on it. Another Varren shot at her, [url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U_pq_I-Pg8U]curled up in a ball and flying at what would ordinarily be an alarming velocity[/url]. At least, it would be if Moira hadn't, along with the others, faced the foes she had since the last time. Instead she simply ducked out of it's way and gave out an angry yell she hauled her greatsword around, slamming the flat of it into the Varren which was menacing Nani and sending it absolutely flying and out of sight. "Learnt that off an old friend," she huffed. Sure, that was [i]one[/i] out of the way, but with the sheer number of them...! She didn't notice the previous spinning Varren return from behind, although Nani would have. --- [img]http://i.imgur.com/AXy5Xzf.png[/img] Meanwhile - although of course as always quite close to Moira - Syed had wordlessly scrambled up once more, electricity jumping from his feet as he leapt back towards Estelle, coming to a crouching stop... next to two holes. Two holes where a pair of Varren claws had attempted to snatch her mere seconds ago. "Tobi!" he shouted, his hands moving with swift and precise movements as electricity began to swarm his body. He didn't know how far it would travel, but... "Don't look!" He thrust his hands into the gap, electricity exploding from his fingertips. Sure, Varren may be resistant to electricity. But they sure as hell weren't resistant to blinding light. A blueish-white buzzing light shone out from the holes nearest to him, and most importantly... ...the claws gripping Estelle's ankles loosened. The combination of brilliant light and the electricity striking it's prone unprotected belly was enough to cause the thing to recoil entirely. Just a shame that something grabbed a hold of one of his wrists underground, pulling him harshly downwards so he struck the ground. He cried out in pain from the blow. That sure backfired.