Everybody wants to be free, but is freedom to dangerous to be left in the hands of citizens like us? What if we had the ability to track each citizen? If a kid is kidnapped we know exactly where they are, we know where they're going, and we know who has them. If we could control the population we could make sure that kid never gets kidnapped, and even they are kidnapped we have a very effective way of rescuing them. Imagine if that kid was a little girl who was about to be sexually abused by the kidnapper; isn't it better that we CONTROL the population to ensure these sick things never happen? What if we had a system that told us when someone was doing something illegal? What if we knew when someone was drinking and driving? We could save the life of an innocent child, or perhaps an entire family. Drugs don't always make you do bad things, but drugs will ALWAYS lead to violence, and we need to control the population to ensure violence is contained. What if our law enforcement had the ability to search whatever they wanted? They need no warrant. Why do you want a warrant anyway? Do you have something to hide? If you're an innocent person you have nothing to hide. In my eyes, if you request a warrant then you're hiding something. Imagine if we had the ability to immediately flag and arrest potential terrorists. How many people live in poverty and continue to spend taxpayers money on drugs? Why are people against drug tests for welfare and food stamps? Why would you deny a drug test? Are you spending the money that you supposedly don't have on illegal substances? I believe a BETTER world is a SAFE world, but a SAFE world is only possible through CONTROL, NOT FREEDOM.