[b][center]Hiroshi Hon & Sayuri Cho[/b][/center] [b][center]A not so dead lead Part 2[/center][/b] [center][b]"Does this mean that he was attacked, Hiroshi-Sensei?"[/b][/center] Hiroshi waited a while with his response.[b]"It seems that way. Whoever attacked him, either reported it or engaged in a pursuit. Or, this cloth and blood are not his and we will lose our only lead, and that means ANBU intervention. So this lead better be worth it."[/b] Sayuri nodded at Hiroshi, not really sure what to say so she just remained silent. Hiroshi remained silent as well, as they both waited for Hirudora to lead Chinatsu and Akira back to them. A minute or two passed before he heard a familiar growl approaching, and as he turned, his team was arriving.[b]" Hirudora, Akira, Chinatsu! I am glad you made it in such a short time! Quickly gather up, we have no time to waste."[/b] All Hiroshi had to do was to point at the cloth and Hirudora, as soon as he landed, smelled the cloth. [b]" It is a strong scent, Hiroshi. I think I can track him with great accuracy ... but I smell more than just one people, but I am unsure about the exact number. We have to proceed carefully."[/b] Hiroshi considered for a while, then he turned to his team.[b]" Very well. HIrudora is right. We have to move carefully, but quickly at the same time. Hirudora will go in front of me. Chinatsu, you will go between - Akira and Sayuri will be the back line. If we come into an confrontation, I want you to work together. I know it will not be a problem. Remember, we are no longer in the safety of the village - we might soon find ourselves in the middle of a small fight. I want all of you to stay on your toes, watch your surroundings and report anything out of the usual. Lead us, Hirudora!"[/b] WIth a nod, the tiger lept off, making surprisingly little noise in doing so. Hiroshi waved his hand to give them the signal to move into formation, and leaped after Hirudora. Sayuri witnessed everything silently, and waved at Akira and Chinatsu to follow the lead. She was prepared to take a leading role in her team if necessary, and while she was worried about how the others might react to it, Sayuri decided to step up if needed. Giving the forest ahead of them a grim, observing look, she felt nervousity creeping up to her. Will she be able to do so, even if it meant warding out Chinatsu´s ... weird talk and Akira´s passivity?