Yolanda Grieg looked up at the house that was to be her home for who knew how long. Her parents stood nearby, chattering to one another, keeping only a minimal watch on how the movers were handling their furniture and breakable objects. She slipped inside the house between two movers struggling with a couch. It was a big house, that much she could credit. Yolanda smiled a little at the thought of having a bigger bedroom; there may even be a spare room for her to put all her extra things in. Walking up the stairs, she glanced up and down the hall, seeing three doors to her left and right. Six rooms? She was definitely getting a spare room. A grin formed but quickly faded when she saw a string hanging from the ceiling to her left. Yolanda walked somewhat tentatively toward it; as she drew closer she saw that it was the drawstring to open the entrance to an attic. This discovery rekindled her grin and she eagerly reached up and pulled, jumping back slightly as a ladder appeared at alarming speed. Coughing at the stale taste of dust, she peered up into the gloomy attic. It wasn't as dark as she had expected and she guessed that there was possibly an uncovered window up there. Glancing around for a few moments, she hastily ascended the ladder, stepping up into the attic.