[center][b]~[u]Hiroko & Kaede[/u]~[/b][/center] "Hey. Hey, Hiroko?" "Yes, Kaede? What is it?" "We're where going, again?" Hiroko Fujiyama sighed lightly. This was the third time her goddaughter, Kaede Kobayashi, had asked the same question, with the words jumbled in different ways every single time. At least this time the words were mostly lined up correctly. Normally, If it were somebody else, Hiroko would no doubt hit them with a notepad or something and tell them to listen better. But Kaede was a special case; she'd taken a pretty nasty bump to her head during the Nephilim attack ten years ago, so the godmother had to expect this kind of thing from Kaede. "We're going to pick up the girls SEED has chosen to help defend against the Nephilim attacks; the magitech girls." "Ah, right!" It all seemed to click in Kaede's head. They were going to the school, right? Now she remembered clear as day. That was where the magitech girls were that would fight the Nephilim! Because normal people didn't stand much a chance, if any at all, so they were needed because they could synchronize with the MagiGears SEED developed and use them as anti-Nephilim weapons. Kaede had wanted to be one of them, but Hiroko refused to permit checking if she was even capable. For her own safety, Hiroko had claimed. Because fighting those Nephilims up close was dangerous. --------------------------------- [center][b]~[u]Hotaru[/u]~[/b][/center] [i]Why am I here?[/i] Hotaru asked herself. She was far from friendly, but she wasn't exactly the sort who was antisocial enough to warrant being held after school. Yet here she was. In a room. Being told simply to wait, without being given any reason.