Personally, I don't really like genre-alising(new word, ha) rps. Exactly because of the argument that just played out. Not because people have different opinions as to the values or usefulness of a genre, as personal preference is a thing, whoot!, but because a lot of the terms like superhero or anime or others don't have distinct definitions that everyone goes by. And, a lot of the time the term itself has a connotation that can either raise or lower expectations before ever a synopsis of the idea being presented is given. That might just be me not knowing all the different terms and specific genres out there, but I always think that using keywords from the synopsis would work better. Admittedly, if you're wanting to write a story with superheroes in it, then that's kind of a no brainer. And I suppose a term like fantasy, that encompasses a broader scope, doesn't need as careful a definition... I dunno. I also find myself getting annoyed when someone lists pairings in place of the plots they said were coming in an interest check. That might just be me being nitpicky though. I think I have a pet peeve with certain terminology being used.