[img]http://i.imgur.com/AmxI4Io.png[/img] [u][b]Cuttersbury: Trail towards Drych Lake[/b][/u] The antics of the varren were so distracting, Jett had to force himself to concentrate. The young man scrambled to his feet as fast as he could, or rather, faster than he intended to after hearing Moira. Awkwardly the rookie tried to scan the area for [i]something[/i], but he still wasn't sure what to... ... [b]Crap![/b] The creature was barreling towards him. Jett took several steps backwards after glancing behind briefly to make sure no one was behind. He swallowed hard, as all the bravado he showed earlierdisappeared was gone. Surely this can't be real! The rookie stared in awe as Lute brought his sword down. The man was staggered back, but the force was enough to send the earth mole tumbling away. The mole threw out its legs to break its momentum. Still it continued to skid and slide until it was a good distance away, but with its speed, the varren could close the gap within seconds. Lute just saved him! Literally! Emboldened, the H-ranker ran over to the Virtuso's side. There was no way he was gonna let the guy face that thing alone. "Hey Lute, thanks man!" Jett beamed as he reached into his pocket a fished out his weapon. The novice Guilder held the red plastic yo-yo in the palm of his hand as he slipped his index finger through the loop. He wiggled his fingers to warm up before before bouncing the toy playfully. He continued releasing and recalling the yo-yo while staring at his opponent. The varren flexed its claws menacingly as it eyed the duo. Having decided to have another go at the pair, the earth mole curled into a ball once more and sped towards them. The yo-yo totting Guilder squeezed his hands tightly round the smooth plastic surface of his weapon. He could feel his shoulders tensing slightly in anticipation, but he became distracted, when a violent rumble nearly caused Jett to fall over for the second time in less than ten minutes.Jett threw out his hands to break his fall, and he landed up with most of his weight being supported by his left arm. The rookie readjusted himself before he craned his head till he was able to look over his shoulder. He hoped he imagined he heard bits of soil and pebbles jostling against each other. He wasn't. The surface of the earth was shaking crazily as tiny hairline fissures began to appear. The man bet it was another one of those hedgehog-mole creatures. [i]Great![/i] Jett turned to Lute. "So.. err... we've got more company..." He allowed his voice to trail off. He secretly hoped the other man had a plan, because his mind was blank. They were cutting it close.[i]Very close.[/i] That spikey ball was only a couple of feet away now. Failing to hear an immediate response, Jett breathed in loudly. He watched the varren spring into the air. It continued spinning for several seconds then it unfurled itself. The mole extended its claws as it aimed for the closer target - Lute. [i]Guess they will just have to wing it.[/i]