[b] Rob-Cabin-Can't be bother to name all of the people...[/b] Rob knew something was wrong when Emma ran in like she just saw a giant dragon...which he would probably me smiling at but never mind. They were all worried, but what it turned out to be was bad...very bad. Why did this always happen when he was around. Three knocks on the door, three little knocks. Then the man spoke. Wasn't he the crazy axe murderer guy? that wasn't good. Rob was rather quiet for the next bit. Well, so was everyone else. But as the man suddenly shot his way into the Cabin. He sighed lightly. Shannon selected herself to talk to him. oh this was going to bad. his eyes flickered to Danny, then back to Shannon. and from his angle not much of the intruder. not that he wanted to look at him but...it was tense to say the least. They were surrounded, and it was quite hard to see a way to escape. Rob saw what Danny was trying to say to him. And, he had a point. "Sorry" He muttered to himself, (He didn't want anyone to hear him) As he grabbed Shannon and pulled back far back. "Shh for a second" [b] Liam-Baton Rogue-Peeps [/b] Liam eyes mainly remained towards the ground, not wanting to awkwardly make eye contact with anyone.Making eye contact was hard. Social things were hard. He was just sitting waiting, when suddenly the word painting came into his ear. "I like...art....I w-was planning to do Art....." Liam barely spoke, still his eyes focused on the ground. "Art...is good" [b] Aiden-Driving.....[/b] Times were tough, but they had to keep on trudging along. He just kept on following, kept on driving. He kept him distracted from thinking about how in honest sense how shit things were right now. He didn't want to think about how shit things were. but they just were....all that. At least he had his bouncy ball. [b] Matt-Walking [/b] It's not even hard, He even already found more supplies. Just boring....very....boring. Very. He missed people, figuring them out so he could toy with them. Soon, hopefully....soon enough. And hopefully this one wouldn't burn. that would be a nice feeling.