[quote=Maxx] @Cruiser: Interesting sheets. It was a neat idea to make identical twins with identical powers. However, I'm not sure I quite understand your characters' powers. I mean, the way you described it to me before was like bullet time, where the character slows down his perception of time, not someone else's, which isn't OP because just because you can slow down time doesn't mean you can still dodge things. If he changes other people's perceptions of time, then I can't allow either of them because that's basically auto-dodge. The time erasure is okay with me so long as the target can still react during the time period (like they forget it afterwards, but if the character strikes at them with a sword, they can still parry). [/quote] 1) They can put other people into, as you say, "bullet time," against their will, which is highly disorienting to someone that isn't used to it. Or they can speed up their perception of time, leaving them to move in seemingly slow-motion. Or they can speed or slow their mind but not their body, giving them a sort of semi-paralysis due to the disassociation. Hopefully that makes sense. 2) Targets still behave normally during "time erasure," as you said, but lose any memories of what occurred within it. Meaning if they saw a weapon and the thought of "I have to dodge" occurred within "time erasure," upon time resuming they would forget the need to dodge. [quote=He Who Walks Behind] Cruiser, I'm just gonna be brutally honest and express some concerns I have about your characters1) Your character's powers have no weaknesses. Limitations are not weaknesses. For instance, "I cannot run for twenty hours straight". That is a limitation. "Every time I run, I develop hemophilia". That is a weakness. Your characters have limits to their powers, but given that they don't have flaws that are more vulnerable than a vanilla human it's hard to describe them as weakness. It seems like they can use their (rather strong) powers with zero consequences.2) Where did Zac learn to become an expert in assassinations and knife fighting, neither of which are things you can really learn quickly or easily? I also have trouble believing, regardless of powers, that he managed to run a prison from the inside. Doesn't matter how good you are, you can't keep your guard up all the time, and gangs in prison generally tend to have some proficiency with killing other guys in prison. Beyond that, once they noticed this dude was involved with several gangs being straight up wiped out, and that he tattooed their signs on his body with each one, he'd probably get hauled in for something else/put in solitary.3) I am generally leery of any sociopath character. I am not accusing you of doing so, but generally speaking, they tend to be an out for the RP'er to avoid developing character and to dodge personality weaknesses. I could roll with cold and harsh but sociopath, coupled with his unexplained proficiency at several different kinds of killing and his no-weaknesses power makes me leery. If I had to take down your character, how could I? Does he have any weak points? You yourself said 4) Not to be a dick, I really don't get his backstory. His uncle raised them to be good kids and then turned and rapes their mother? And then he stabs his uncle and burns his mother to death? I don't understand why he did this. Sociopaths don't do violent things for no reason. They don't feel remorse over them, but that's not the same as doing violent things for no reason. They're still aware of the consequences of their actions, they don't get off on killing like serial killers do. He seems more psychopathic than sociopathic...and if he'd do something with such brutal consequences as that without a second thought, I'm worried about what he's going to do in this RP. Will he murder one of my characters for no reason the first chance he gets? 5) Not to be a dick, again, but there is literally no way he could accomplish wiping himself from all known records like that. I also don't understand why he would do this. Again, sociopaths don't feel remorse but that doesn't mean they do super illegal stuff without a motive. Why does he go to all that effort, risk further incarceration (which, given that metahumans have existed for a considerable amount of time in this RP, I have trouble believing he could escape as effortlessly as he did, as guards would likely be aware of them and able to contain them) and death by doing all this. Killing people tends to piss MORE people off, and burning down a federal prison would probably piss the government off. No matter how good he is, the government has infinitely more manpower, resources, etc, and once they linked this long series of murders, arson, etc, to him, they'd have Marshals, anti-meta squads, cops, etc, hunting his ass at every turn. Disappearing would not be possible. And if he killed everyone that knew his name, why did he let that dude with connections to the Skulls live? Surely he doesn't care about one random guy that's a gang member at the time, given that he's wiped out all the other gang members in prison...?Sorry if this comes off as rude or overly critical, I'm just somewhat concerned about this sort of character being in the RP. [/quote] 1) Don't worry about offending me; I'd much rather clear up any issues or misunderstandings. 2) I have a hard time writing in arbitrary weaknesses to characters. Some come naturally, like water to a fire-based character, but characters with more abstract abilities such as these are difficult to write in weaknesses for. Do remember that they have standard metahuman weaknesses, including mounting fatigue as they use their powers, and a chance to kill themselves from over-use. 3) Zac ran with a gang before his turn in the joint, and was generally up to nasty business beforehand. Zac is an exceptionally scary person. Not only in his looks and personality, but his powers are terrifying in a psychological sense, which he knows how to exploit to his own advantage. People just end up dead when they cross him, and no one can really explain why. He's never seen killing anyone, and yet they know he's responsible for it. His powers are also very subtle, and so it would be very difficult to pin him as a metahuman. Given that he was in a "normal human" prison, the assumption would be that he is a normal, yet somehow ungodly lethal, human. 4) Zac's power takes more thought to counter than most others. It's a matter of strategy, rather than blasting a particular color of laser beam at him. The amount of thought countering him requires was more than the terrified guards and inmates of his institution could afford. 5) I'll put this bluntly. Zac is dangerous, violent, and criminally insane. The major themes with Al and Zac as characters are "Perception" and "Identity." Zac's perception of events could be completely warped and different from actual occurrences. Likewise with Al, who is also sort of deranged in his own way. The difference between a "sociopath" and a "psychopath" is kind of non-existent as they're both outdated terms for really the same thing, and neither are still used in modern medicine. Either way, Zac has strange thoughts and strange plans, often imperceptible to normal, well-adjusted folks like ourselves. I know this sounds like a cop-out, but I'm trying to represent an individual with a completely warped, inhuman mindset. 6) He's done the best he can. Considering both his birth and incarceration (really the only two events that would put him on the books) were done under shady circumstances in which several parties partook in a cover-up, deleting himself from the system was easier for him than for most people. Again, I refer to his imperceivable motives. Once more, his abilities are extremely subtle, and well-suited to not leaving behind evidence. Being able to remove oneself from causality helps with that. Staging deaths and arson as accidents are not very difficult for Zac. Not to mention that he is also highly skilled in manipulation, and likely convinced a number of other people to do his dirty work for him. Given his rapidly disappearing identity, this made him all the more difficult to track. Regarding the one particular Skull... well... sure he's alive [i]right now[/i], but...