@ comment 1: Not gonna fly here. Sorry Cruiser. I'm not having your character be able to paralyze people without any way to counter. @ Comment 3 and 5: That doesn't satisfy me. Just saying he's scary and a psychopath doesn't give you an excuse for not giving him a personality weakness. @ Comment 3: Two words; genetic testing. Everyone in the US government knows Zac is a meta because the moment he got incarcerated they stuck his ass with a needle and took a blood test. Now that doesn't mean that the gov't knows his power, per-say, but he couldn't pass off as just a very lethal human. @ Comment 5: If he's so inhuman, then why is he human? I mean, I think every person, no matter how twisted, has some humanity to them. Zac does not. I realize that I kinda sound dickish in these replies, and I'm sorry if I do. I don't want you to think that I don't like your or that I'm just an asshole. I don't have a problem with Alphonse, so long as you change that power so he can't paralyze people, but I don't feel comfortable having a psychopath supercriminal running around the city with a power that cannot be countered in traditional means. I mean, there's some strong characters in this rp; Skeleton is immune to physical damage, Matt can do literally anything, and Whisper is a ton more powerful than you all think (because I didn't reveal the exact parameters of her abilities) but all of these powers have very clear-cut weaknesses that can be used in a fight. Zac's power is undetectable, by the way you've stated it, and there's no way to counter it without knowing what he's doing, so unless someone is a telepath, they're boned. EDIT: Yes, but if you slow down someone else's perception of time so that they cannot react fast enough, Cruiser, then they become basically useless. Zac and Alphonse can simply freeze other people in time and then do whatever they want. Bullet time is when you slow your own perception of time, like in the Matrix; Neo isn't super fast, but he sees everything as if he is. That's what I thought you meant by your power.