Orbit stayed very quiet after her mentor led her off. She was shaking all of a sudden. Now that she wasn't fighting to save Gabe, a wave of exhaustion rolled over her. Covering her face with her hands, she let out a noise that was suspiciously similar to a sob. Her shoulders shook for several moments. An old teammate returned from the land of the dead, and her best friend nearly went to it in his place... Her brain was spinning, but she knew she had to focus. She couldn't break down. Not in front of him. Never in front of him. She took a deep, slow breath like her therapist had taught her, and pulled her hands from her face slowly. There was a smear of fresh blood on her gloves. Frowning, she touched her face and realized that her nose was still bleeding, slowly but steadily. She just hadn't paid it any attention. "Damn... not good." The bleeding meant that she was pushing past her limits, in a dangerous way. Next would come the headaches, and after... Well, she woke up 2 weeks after. "Sir?" She caught Batman out the door, trying to look as strong as possible. If she presented herself as such, no one would tell her different. "I have... misgivings about working with Plastic Man." And being separated from Hellfire on such an important mission, but that was another story. "He pretended to be dead, he told a horrible lie, just to get away from the team, and I'm not going to act as if that's all water under the bridge. What about the next time a situation gets hot? Is he going to 'die' then too, and leave us one soldier short?" Her fists were clenched so hard that her dirty fingernails were nearly breaking the skin of her palms. "He can't be trusted, sir. I refuse to fight with someone who has already proven won't have my back if things go wrong."