Jacque grunted in response and pocketed his phone as he saw Alastair gesture to him out of the corner of his eye. Glancing this way and that, Jacque contemplated taking another whiff of the air to see if he could catch anything that didn't smell human, that is, he considered it until he heard the singing. It was extremely pleasant, and had Jacque been a normal human, he would have fallen under the tune instantly, however being of the undead persuasion, Jacque felt his mind go slightly fuzzy, but he was not quite completely enchanted. There was something else the Jacque noticed as well; there was a change off smell the humans, namely a majority of the males and several of the females. It was subtle at first, but growing increasingly strong, not unlike being in another room from someone who had lit incense or began to cook. The ghoul did not know it, but the siren's song was throwing those who fell under her spell into a more lustful state, their bodies producing more and more pheromones in their sweat as they grew more excited by the song. All this meant for Jacque, was that the human smell was becoming overwhelming, and it was making him even hungrier, which, considering the fuzzy state of his mind, was about to end poorly. Jacque stumbled towards the crowd as if drunk, not even paying attention to his surroundings or his partner any more. He was having trouble controlling his desire to consume living flesh, that much he knew, however, Jacque's addled mind reasoned that if he couldn't fully control it, he could perhaps aim it at one thing in particular: the siren. The ghoul muscled his way into the crowd, occasionally snapping at or roughly shoving those who didn't move out of his path quickly enough as he went for his prey.