Everybody wants to be safe, but is safety too dangerous to be left in the hands of governments? What if we had the ability to have some privacy? If a kid goes outside they can play with their friends, be active, and have a social life. If we could have free will we could make sure that another Stalin and Hitler wouldn't happen, and even if they do we have an effective way to get them out. Imagine if that dictator was about to commit genocide?; isn't it better that we have free will to ensure these sick things never happen? What if we had a way to have a personal life? What if we were respected as individuals? Life might actually not be a living hell for some people. Lack of freedom don't always make you do bad things, but lack of freedom will ALWAYS lead to violence (America), and we need to respect the population to avoid that violence. What if our law enforcement wasn't allowed to do anything they want to innocent people? They need a good reason. Why do you want an unrestricted authority? Do you like being hounded and abused? If you're a responsible person you have nothing to complain about. In my eyes, if you request a warrant then you know you're basic rights. Imagine if we weren't allowed to instantly arrest and torture everyone because of terrorist paranoia? How many people live in wealth and continue to throw money on unnecessary golden toilets? Why are people want to be harassed for basic support? Why would you want to be treated less than human? Do you actually respect yourself? I believe a better world is a free world, but a free world is only possible through respect and common sense. Not dictatorship and paranoia.