Emmanuel slows his limping as the Middle Eastern man pulls up next to him. Suits him just fine, after all, limping isn't an activity meant to be done quickly, and on a scale of fine to hurting, Emmanuel's leg is more than on the sore side. Well, I guess that's what happens when you tear your leg muscles apart at the seams from overloading them. Nice job Emmanuel. Made your leg go to hell for barely more than a minute distraction. Oh well. It worked, Hotrod didn't die or anything, and now Emmanuel knows that he's playing with real power in the League business. Fun times. “Well greetings to you too Friendo! The name is Emmanuel, pleasure to meet you.” The pair continues down the hall, in no real direction. Emmanuel has no idea where he's going. He never did get that information about Apogee or Volt, and it seems like it will have to be put on hold for a little bit. So as it is right now, he's got really no plans. The only thing he could think of doing is going down to the training hall to get back to work. Polaris really pushed his shit in and he can't take that laying down. He guesses the best thing to do would be to make a new friend, with this man right here. He certainly looks pretty competent, and with such a polite greeting, how bad of a guy could he be? Probably not at all! So that's that. New friend plan is a go. "So, you're a new guy? That's great! Always nice to see new talent in the League. Always gotta be bolstering our ranks to crusade against evil. For some of us, like myself, that's literally part of our job description. Fight against evil wherever you see it, you know? I like to think we're pretty good at it here. " Emmanuel says this with a straight face. He does realize that to some people, he fits the bill of the typical 'Truth and justice prevail against evil' kinda hero. He's had some people laugh at him for his apparently naive way of thinking, but he honestly does not give a damn. He's got power, enough to make a difference, and he plans on using it. "Anyway, back to your question. The best place for new guys to go. Hmm. Well, I'm honestly not super sure right now, considering I just woke up from passing out and don't know where everyone is. I guess the main gathering room or the Atrium would be a good way to meet some more of our members. I was planning on heading down to the training facilities to power up some. I really got pushed in by some guy named Polaris on the last mission. Tore my legs to hell too." He gestures at the cast on his legs. "If this was a lesser facility, I might have lost my legs. My muscles were trashed." He grimaces and shrugs. "That's mostly do to my own power though. Got too much of it, can't handle it all at once. Too much juice going into my legs isn't good for it. That's the whole reason I gotta train." Emmanuel smiles at Supercell. "You are absolutely more than welcome to join me if you'd like. Maybe some light sparring or something. My main power is electricity, but you won't have to worry about that right now, I'm in no condition to use them again so soon." Emmanuel stops dead in his tracks, realizing that he had been totally rambling. Maybe all the painkillers hadn't quite worked through his system yet. "Oh my goodness. I am so sorry for rambling. If there are any other questions you have about the League or myself or anything, ask away. I will answer to the best of my ability, my friend."