[img]http://i1111.photobucket.com/albums/h461/kathichan1/ariacastshot.png[/img] [u][b]Cuttersbury: Trail towards Drych Lake[/b][/u] One of the reasons she hated dealing with Varrens was that they were [i]so notoriously stupid[/i] that she couldn't deal with them like she could with any other pest and scare them away with illusions of their predator. These pests, however, wouldn't know a slime from a wyvern. She ducked as one dove for her face, giving another good kick as it scrambled by her. [i]"Waahh! Watch out! Comin' through, comin' through!" "Oi Trixie, try to cover its eyes! I'm sure you can hit it with that fan of yours right?"[/i] "Yeah, leave it to me!" Aria whipped around to face the bucking Varren with the girl on its back. She was quite impressed by how the girl was managing to stay on while avoiding getting skewered. The beast's eyes were covered with some effort and as it came close, bucking and rearing up, she took the chance to aim at the softer underbelly. "Jump, Trixie!" The Varren was sent tumbling as Trixie landed safely thanks to the buffs Amy and Marcus had given them. Still, the sheer amount of numbers had them overwhelmed and from the shouts only more were coming. "Don't these guys have any weaknesses we know? Ow!" A rock thrown by a Varren in a snazzy hat smacked her in the head. Luckily it was rather small and only stung, but she growled at it. "Why you little-"