Not sure how I'd describe my style, but I'm quite capable as a writer. My spelling and grammar are almost always correct, and I would probably fall into the advanced category if I wrote more per post. I find I usually like to write 1-2 paragraphs, sometimes more for openings / setting the stage and sometimes less for fast-paced action scenes or back-and-forth dialogue where the alternative would be to chew the scenery into fine sawdust or throw in a flashback for no real reason. I find that I almost without exception prefer OCs to canon characters, though I'll admit I have a weak spot for canon characters that have an AU spin on them. As for what Western animations I like, that list is fairly long. Steven Universe and MLP are some of my favorite ones that haven't ended yet, and for older ones I'm a huge fan of Megas XLR, Motorcity, stuff like that. I'm honestly hoping to find some RP that isn't dirty / x-rated, since that's what most of my current stuff is. I love it, but I'd like some variety too.