Hey guys. This premise looked interesting, especially the possibilities the relics give. Decided to write a CS, so I hope I didn't miss some mentioning of this being a closed RP (didn't find any). ^^ Okay, so a note regarding this CS. I've merged personality and appearance with the relic description, and the reason for this is because they're central to the relic's abilities (you'll see what I mean below). It's not really finished, as I want a yes/no on the relic's abilities before I go all out. As such, all names and details mentioned about Kalnach that does not stem from the lore are obviously subject to change. [hider=Everett Linno][b]Name:[/b] Everett Linno. [b]Age:[/b] 37. [b]Gender:[/b] Male. [b]Faction/Allegiance:[/b] Kalnachi nobility. [b]Relic Description:[/b] A ring. It appears as an ordinary silver ring, with a small blood red garnet fixed on it. It's history unknown, Everett found it in the remains of a decaying corpse. It has the ability of eliminating Everett's numerous flaws, and enhancing every part of his physical and psychological state to peak condition, while transforming his personality in the process. Physically, it has altered Everetts appearance dramatically. Everett was incredibly unfortunate in the genetic lottery, born both limp and hunchback. He is naturally blind on one eye, which white and milky texture alone was enoguh to scare the other children (and most adults) away. Thin, wispy hair that seemed to always remain dirty and untamed no matter how much Everett's serfs tried to wash it fit well together with his thin face, dry, pale skin and leathery lips. He was weak and frail, always picked on by the other noble children as well as others. Now, Everett Linno's looks are amicable. His hair has turned full and fresh, always appearing as if it was just washed. His vision is perfect, and his clear blue eyes compliment his black hair and eyebrows. The pale skin has turned tanned and smooth, and his body is as strong and able as that of the mightiest warriors, yet lacks all the scars and signs of wear and tear. His reflexes, physical toughness and quickness are all at the level of someone who devoted their life training them. In short, the relic has turned Linno into a near perfect (perfection remaining subjective) man physically. Mentally, Everett used to be a cowardly savage. The abuse he suffered as a child made him afraid and cowardly, yet while his spite and cruelty towards what he considered lesser beings - like animals and serfs (though he often didn't make a distinction between the two) - where no doubt reimbursed by the abuse as well, these were always parts of his mentality. Everett wasn't just an abused kid taking out his sufferings on others, he was an absolute savage that enjoyed tormenting life regardless of his own state. The ring, however, has turned Linno into something else entirely. His contempy for humanity and life in general is gone, as is his cruelty and cowardice. No longer does he fear, nor feel hatred or malice. He looks to improve the conditions of lesser kin, and is apalled by the state his country is in in regards to serfdom, gender inequality and, perhaps most of all, the Inquisitors. He's also developed a fine intellect, wittiness and have become a natural speaker, able to inspire others to great deeds. As such, Everett has become a very popular figure in his homeland, and he discreetly tries to use his influence to change it. The problem with all of this, is that these "enhancements" are not gifts, but comes quid pro quo. In order for Everett to sustain his abilities and, indeed, his very personality, Everett has to satiate the Everett Linno he was born as. Comitting acts that goes against his own mentality but fits the one of that little brutal kid he was born as does exactly that. Wether it's theft, extortion, kidnapping, torture, rape or murder it all goes towards this. The more heineous the act, the better. This is a large strain on Everett's well-being, and in the darkest times he has feared for his future sanity. Merely insulting someone goes against his own morality, so when Everett has forced himself to beat men and women do death, they're not the only ones being tortured. [b]Flaws:[/b] The more recent his latest misgivings are, and the more severe, the less flaws he has, to the point of having no perceivable flaws at all. On the flipside, when time passes without these acts, Everett's flaws starts becoming more apparent. His psychological flaws are first to change (whether positively or negatively). Nontheless, he does have flaws: * Stubbornness. Both a perk and a flaw, Everett's extreme determination means he rarely changes his mind once he has made it up, something that might often work to his disadvantage. * Narcissism. Time has made Linno confident, to the point of not seldomly overestimate his own capabilities. * Education. While having retained basic education, Everett never aqcuired the education most nobles do due to his remote upbringing and subsequent priorities. Instead, he relies on other people, like advisors and scholars, to provide him with information. He does, however, know how to read and write. A different flaw, tied to being an evoker, is that Everett's relic gives him no supernatural powers or abilities at all. It merely makes him, in most people's eyes, a great human being. [b]Skills:[/b] Everett's skills works much like his flaws. The only thing he is good at regardless of the relic is lying and hurting others. The ring bestows him great organizational skill in various fields, such as logistics, economics and military, and has granted him an affinity for combat both as a leader and as a fighter. [b]Biography:[/b] Everett was born a Linno, a powerful Kalnachi noble family, housed in the capital of Warriner. His father was a successful but mean bastard, his mother even worse. Everett was the youngest child and had three much older siblings, all female. His parents used to swear that Everett was no product of theirs, but rather a curse placed on the family by some evoker seeking revenge at the family for their public and financial support of the Inquisitors. Nontheless, they protected Everett best they could from the world outside of the family residence, all in order to protect the family name. At seven, Everett was sent to a desolate area in northwestern Kalnach along with a handful families of serfs, the serfs tasked with bringing the boy up far from anything that mattered. Everett had quickly realized the opportunities this gave him, and both figuratively and, later, literally tortured his serfs who were too afraid of future repercussions from the house of Linno to do anything about it. It was at thirteen, when the boy had become almost inhumanly cruel, that Everett found the ring. He had several weeks earlier made his first human kill, using a child his age that had made the mistake of insulting him for target practice while practicing marksmanship. Ever since the kill, Everett could swear he felt a presence, drawing him to the ditch were he had dumped the body. So, after three weeks, Everett finally gave in to this strange feeling and returned to the body. Not knowing why, he had split the corpse open with his dagger and reached inside, pulling out a small, beautiful ring from inside. Not even stopping to think about the sheer madness of it all, Everett had put the ring on and left. After that, it took months before Everett noticed any effect at all, and years before others did. But, slowly, he changed. Soon enough his serfs noticed how they were treated more fairly, the maddening outbursts of rage appearing less frequently and even a slight change in appearance of the boy. As Everett neared the age of a man, his lust for blood had almost vanished completely. And yet, not much more happened. His alteration had appeared to come to a halt. Frustrated and scared, scared that his "transformation" might be reversing, Everett tried to figure out what to do to kick-start it again. But he couldn't. As the months passed, Everett began feeling a need for blood again. Not a craving, but a nessecary need. Like food. Confused, Everett obliged. Like this it continued, and soon enough, Everett felt himself growing again. He grew into a man, and while the craving subsided he forcefully continued his menacing ways as he now knew he needed them to not to turn back into the complete psychopath he was born as, and now despised. As he matured, some of the serfs started changing their opinion about him, even offering their allegiance by heart and not just law. Soon enough, Everett started to attract new people to the desolate area he lived, known as "the Great Divide" - lightly forested plains stretching along a large and incredibly long ravine reaching all the way to the sea, with a small river at the bottom and a few well-placed bridges along the top to cross it. These new people new nothing of Everett's past, and was immediately taken by his charm and leadership skills. The Great Divide blossomed as the years passed, and the news obviously travelled to Warriner, where his perplexed family could not believe their ears. Eventually, Everett returned to Warriner from his forced exile, seeking out his family in secret. He had arrived unannounced one morning. His parents and one of his sisters had been at the residence (where none of Everett's siblings now lived), and even though they, much like they couldn't believe the stories, could hardly believe their eyes, they could recognize their son and brother, who despite all the changes he had gone through still had [i]something[/i] about him they could immediately recognize. When Everett saw his family, he did not feel the hatred, sorrow, fright or ambivalence one might expect him to - he [i]couldn't[/i]. And yet, he slaughtered them all. He took no pleasure in it, but made it long, outdrawn and painful nontheless, knowing he'd benefit from it. His remaining two sisters soon shared their family's fate, Everett managing to put all the blame on a rivalling house following long and careful planning. After that, Everett took up the banner of House Linno, and has ever since worked tirelessly in his efforts to re-shape Kalnach in his image. His success has been limited thus far, but he has gained ground. Not in law or rule, but in the minds of the people - serfs and noblity alike. Now, Everett has made his way to the town of Amaryth, capital of Othea, in order to attend the nameday of King Hrodlaf the Third in the hopes of securing new allies. [b]Relations:[/b] [No idea yet.] [b]Final Point - Secrets:[/b] The fact that Linno is an evoker is very much a secret - "[i]the[/i] secret". If the public knew that his grace, smarts and capabilities all stemmed from a magic artifact rather than being, you know, [i]him[/i], it would severely undermine his efforts. [b]Theme Song:[/b] [Maybe I'll think of something!][/hider]