Holas everyone! Happy Halloweeeeeeen!!! 8D [youtube]sOnqjkJTMaA[/youtube] How's everyone doing? I'm going to get to writing a short-ish post right now for Estelle and Syed. Tobi's still kinda... stuck, so if anyone wants to help him, feel free. I'm gonna keep Marcus free and available for Rapid to interact with. :) Ryver, does Jett not have any weapons or something...? I thought we'd decided on him having a particular type in his CS? One thing I want to compliment everyone on is not having any of the Varren be killed by the Pride. Monsters are actually fair-ish game to be killed by Guilders (whereas humans are a naughty no-no) but I like how everyone has made a distinction between dangerously, aggressively attacking monsters and those who are... more of a nuisance then a real danger like these Varren. Killing any of these would be like killing one of Don's bros. :'( So I'm glad no one's done that. :)