[center][b][i]Character Sheet[/i][/b][/center] [center][b]- CONFIDENTIAL -[/b][/center] [center]- [i]Character Theme[/i] | [URL=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hzW0srnFrKc]Oriental Flower[/URL] -[/center] --- [b]Personal files.[/b] [b][i]Name:[/i][/b] Rin Kisaragi [b][i]Age:[/i][/b] 14 [b][i]Gender:[/i][/b] Male [b][i]Village:[/i][/b] Yukigakure [b][i]Birthplace:[/i][/b] Yukigakure --- [b]Known outfits and mugshots.[/b] [i] [b]Appearance: [/b] [/i] [IMG]http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-w9np3lgDszU/UF3jRRgkdqI/AAAAAAAAMTE/BVLVjju5Qi8/s640/nayu+mangaka++anime+wallpaper+albino+kid+ds.jpg[/IMG] [i] [b]Facial features: [/b] [/i] He has two silver ring piercings on the right side of his bottom lip, one silver ring piercing on the far end of his left eyebrow and three studded piercings along his right ear. He wears many different beads and charms that are woven into his hair. [i] [b]Outfit: [/b] [/i] As a genin he wears as seen above, but in the presence of his clan's elders he wears a traditional kimono. --- [b]Personal info, to be kept in the archives and never taken out.[/b] [b][i]Known history and secrets:[/i][/b] Rin has lived most of his life under the scrutiny of others. The Kisaragi clan has always been shunned by the villagers of Yukigakure due to the suspicious nature of the clan's hidden jutsu. The clan has always isolated itself from the outside world and from a young age Rin was taught that this was how he should live his life. It was for the benefit of the clan that he lived in the shadows, protecting the secret jutsu of the Kisaragi clan as many others had done generations before him. Despite this, it was never in Jin's nature to act introverted and a life closed off from people was never what he wanted. Despite the fear surrounding his clan, Jin was an eager student at the academy who made friends with almost everyone he talked to. Many of his fellow student's parents often warned their children against associating with someone from Jin's clan, but his warm and kind personality drew all kinds of wonderful friends to him. The fact that he was a superb student only added to his popularity. His clan elders had trained him since he was young, and even though he disagreed with their philosophy he respected their wisdom and learnt many things from them. He was a very clever child, with chakra control beyond what most genin could achieve; let alone an academy student. When he graduated the academy at the age of 12 with flying colours, he was eager to begin his life as a shinobi while continuing to train under the guidence of his Jounin Sensei as well as his clan elders. [b][i]Clan:[/i][/b] [hider=Kisaragi Ichizoku][b][i]Clan Origins:[/i][/b] The Kisaragi clan originated from the Land of Demons, a mysterious place that not many shinobi ventured to. The clan belonged to no village and was controlled by no Daimyo, but mostly because associating with the Kisaragi was a taboo upon itself. In it's earlier years, the clan used their supreme knowledge of Majutsu (Witchcraft) combined with human sacrifice to grant it's members immense power without having to dedicate years and years of training to achieve it. While this fact was never known officially to the rest of the Shinobi world until years later after that barbaric practice had been forbidden by the clan elders, many of the people of that era would come to know the Kisaragi clan as a group of mysterious nomads. They visited many different countries and towns, keeping to themselves and only venturing from their campsites to purchase supplies. The only thing that people knew about them was that wherever they went, people disappeared. After they overstayed their welcome in the land of fire, the Daimyo and Hokage confronted the clan elders and exposed the dark rituals that it's members had taken part in. As punishment the elders were sentenced to death and the Hokage sealed away the forbidden jutsu the clan had been using for decades to obtain it's power. They were banished from the land of fire, migrating to the land of snow. The secrets to their jutsu sealed away, the new leaders of the clan sought to reconcile the mistakes of their past by using their knowledge of Majutsu to create new rituals that would benefit the entire Shinobi world, and not just themselves. However with the dark history of the Kisaragi clan known to most, their practice is still heavily shunned and feared. [b][i]Kekkei Genkai:[/i][/b] Members of the Kisaragi clan are born with naturally adept chakra control. While anyone can learn their hidden jutsu, it goes without saying that a tremendous amount of chakra control is needed to perform them well. [b][i]Hidden Jutsu:[/b][/i] The Kisaragi clan use Majutsu, an ancient practice often referred to as witchcraft or devil's sorcery. Majutsu, unlike other jutsu, is difficult to classify. Technically speaking, Majutsu can do anything. It can turn a persons wildest dreams into reality, bring down an entire army and heal the most deadliest the ailments. Majutsu revolves around rituals and unlike other jutsu requires more than just chakra and hand signs. To practice Majutsu rituals, many different things may be needed such as herbs and spices, animal or human blood, hair, sand from a specific desert. Each ritual has different requirements, some easier to find than others. Majutsu rituals can't be used on the go as they are quite lengthy and require the user to let their guard down to cast them. A common item carried by members of the clan are Hex bags; small pouches filled with various items that have had the power of a Majutsu ritual channelled into them to grant it's wearer the effects of the ritual. Majutsu has been capable of some quite horrific feats in the past, with it's most powerful jutsu requiring human sacrifice to fulfill. However the secrets to these forbidden jutsu were forever sealed away and hidden within the leaf village; never to be practiced again. Now Majutsu users take on the role of a support for their allies, providing them with Hex Bags with powerful enchantments to bolster their performance and protect them from attacks. The clan has a large store room filled with many different ingredients for specific rituals that it's users can freely use.[/hider] [b][i]Dreams and aspirations:[/i][/b] He's never really thought about it. He just likes being who he is. [b][i]General strengths:[/i][/b] Excellent chakra control, light on his feet and very proficient in ninja tools. [b][i]General weaknesses:[/i][/b] He lacks in offense or defense but makes up for it with his Majutsu utility. Outside of his ninja tools he has very little attack power. --- [b]Combat information analysed by the village researchers.[/b] [i]Known chakra natures:[/i] None [i]Kekkei Genkei:[/i] Chakra Control [i]Jutsu's that he has shown capable of using:[/i] Basic Academy Jutsu [i]Clan Jutsu:[/i] Name: Red Leaf Protection Jutsu Rank: D Nature: Majutsu Handseals: Boar, Rabbit, Snake, Boar, Rat Hex Bag: 3 Autumn leaves annointed in oil. Description: A ritual that can be channelled into a Hex Bag. The Red Leaf Protection Jutsu acts as an alarm that can be worn as a necklace or bracelet. The Hex Bag bursts into flames and disappears when it's wearer is under the effect of a Genjutsu. This has a one time use but multiple charms can be used as long as only one is worn at a time. If all of them are worn at the same time, they will all burst into flames when a Genjutsu is cast. Name: Zephyr Rank: D Nature: Majutsu Handseals: Bird, Horse, Ram Hex Bag: 1 Dove feather with the charred bones of any bird. Description: A ritual that can be channelled into a Hex Bag. Zephyr is a charm that when the wearer pours their chakra into grants them a burst of speed. The charm is good for 4 bursts of speed before wearing out. Name: Chakra Magic Rank: C Nature: Majutsu Handseals: Ram Hex Bag: A strand of the desired targets hair wrapped in a piece of special chakra paper. Description: A ritual that can be chanelled into a Hex Bag. This bag must be worn by the caster, but can effect other people friend or foe. The person who'se hair is in the Hex bag will be buffed or debuffed depending on how the user cast the Jutsu. For allies, Chakra Magic halves the amount of chakra needed for them to cast jutsu; allowing them to cast higher level jutsu with more ease than normal. If the jutsu was intended for enemies, Chakra Magic doubles the amount of chakra needed for any jutsu they cast; causing lower level jutsu to be more straining on them than normal. --- [B]Backpack, stocked with supplies. This includes many different materials for Hex bags.[/b] 12x Kunai 15x Shuriken 20x Shuriken, hidden in his sleeves. 10x Explosive Tags