A young woman stepped out of a black car which had brought her to the military base. Honestly, it was lucky she was even arriving here today, considering the distance she had traveled to come here. She was well dressed, certainly, though she seemed to also understand at least the general idea of what this mission might encompass. What she wore allowed her freedom of movement, while also remaining modest and elegant. The driver of the vehicle stepped out and brought the woman her single item of luggage, from the rear of the car. "Thank you, Simon. Give Father my best." The driver gives her a bow and stands by the vehicle, watching as Serenity takes her bag and proceeds into the military base. When the woman disappears within, he remains, watching and waiting. He didn't really want to see her go, but... it was nothing he could do. Serenity hurried through the halls, walking with the quickness in her stride. She knew she was late, and for all she knew, they were getting ready to take off. She makes her way to the hangar and, to her relief, she found the ship still in place. At least, she hoped it was the right ship. She approaches the person who seemed to be in charge - Caelum - and presented an ID. It floats next to her, while her hands sit, clasped politely in front of her. "Uhm... this is the [i]Medusa[/i]?"