[b]Kei and Aki's Great Adventure! The First Steps into the Big World. A collab by Gero, Fieryfly and Roran Hawkins[/b] [hider=summary]The children get lost. They get found by Kensuke, who then encounters someone he didn't expect.[/hider] Her hand was firmly stuck in Akimoto's and Kei was making sure that Aki was totally walking in front because that would mean she could hide behind him when it would be needed. This whole idea had started so great with sneaking away, but now that they were walking through the mass of people it suddenly was really scary. With big eyes Kei looked to all the people. Who were they? Why were they [i]so[/i] big? She inched closer to Aki as they made it through the hallway and towards the exit. His eyes were big as he looked around. This city was very different than home. Why did they build their houses like that? Why were they wearing different clothes? The boy was full of questions as he kept leading him and his sister. Then he started to frown. There were a lot of grown ups. What were they doing? That dark green cloud had looked like fun, but had bored Akimoto at some point. [b]''Hmmm.''[/b] Looking at his left, he saw grown ups. But looking at his right, there was no difference. Leading further the way, Akimoto frowned more as it seemed that the grown ups weren't paying that much attention to them. The world around the little child was like an explosion of experiences. It was especially strange to see all those big people walk around, not noticing her. Usually they paid a lot of attention to the toddler of a year and a half, and even when she had gotten up and walked for some of those extraordinarily stupendously large people they hadn't even noticed her. Pff! So after walking for a while she had taken to sitting down outside of the arena complex, pouting about how everyone was stupid. Except her father, but he was distracted and didn't pay her any attention, so he was a bit stupid. Like stupid, but not with an S. Like her mother's name. Ssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss. It sounded really cool when she said it out loud like that. [b]"Aki..."[/b] Kei's voice was tiny. This was way too scary for her liking. Somehow they had managed to exit the building and thus enter the city and she didn't recognize anything! Where were they? She looked back as Aki pulled her further. Maybe she should go back to her mother, but going alone, no she couldn't do that! That was way too scary too! [b]"Akiiii."[/b] She pressed again. The boy hadn't an ear for his sister the first time. He kept walking, frowning as he looked around. Of course now and then turning around a corner. He wanted to see more of the city that was so different. Only the second time Akimoto turned his head as he stopped. [b]''Yes?''[/b] Akimoto asked, frowning less. He wasn't sure what Kei wanted. Maybe she was also full of questions? But they then had to find answers. [b]"I don't wanna..."[/b] Kei started before her eyes caught something. Between all the tall people and all the people walking around there was one just as small as them. Kei's mouth opened to point this out to Aki, but there were people shouting around her and her voice was so tiny. Yet now she had found something. [b]"Look."[/b] She said waving in the general direction of the little being on the opposite side of the road. [b]"Is she lost?"[/b] Akimoto stopped frowning as he understood that Kei didn't want to continue. Halting, they were standing in the midst of a sea of long legs. Not able to figure out where they had came from, Akitmoto was looking around. Only when Kei pointed and tried to show him that there was another small person, like them, Akimoto thought about it. It was clear that Kei wanted to go to the person. But he wasn't so sure. Softly squeezing Kei's hand, Akimoto mustered his courage. He was after all the little champion! Puffing his cheeks for a moment, he took his o so brave step forward towards the small girl. [b]''Lets go to her.''[/b] He told Kei, continue to try to wade through the sea of those long legs. Hopefully he would be able to avoid dealing with people that were so tall when he was old. Almost excited Kei nodded and took the same step forwards as Aki. All those legs were passing by, but there was a path between them. There was a way to the other side, to the other person that was like them. Somehow the legs never hit them as they moved, which was strange because they were very small, but Kei didn't mind of course. With almost kind of, sort of, confident strides she stepped towards the girl, shaking avoided another pair of legs and feet and finally after what seemed to be ages arrived at the other side of the road. But now that she was actually there it was suddenly hard to speak and the words got caught in her throat as she watched the little girl siss. Like if he could sense Kei's excitment, Akimoto would try to walk differently. With more confident. Yes, he was the little champion. Son of Aiko the silent and Zakito the brave. Yes! He would show his sister the path throught the annoying wood of tall legs. Huffing his cheeks, he almost fell as one of this legs blocked his way. Coming to a halt, he looked up. Clenching his free hand in a fist, Akimoto raised it up in a dramatic manner. [b]''Stupid leg tree.''[/b] He muttered. But after he managed to lead his twin sister out of the dangerous moving forest of tall legs, Akimoto raised his hand, only to lose his balance. His eyes widened with shock and fear. What? Suddenly, he fell as he let go of Kei's hand. Falling flat on his face. [b]''Aaaauuwww...''[/b] Thus ended the heroic journey the woods of tall legs. [b]"You look stupid."[/b] The girl said on a decisive tone, pointing at the boy who had fallen on his face. [b]"What's your name?"[/b] She then asked after a short pause, during which she intensely frowned at both of the newcomers. [b]"My name is Sachi Emiya. The best name ever."[/b] Kei stared to the girl when she spoke only then to notice that the rock she had been holding on to had fallen flat on his face. She stared at him too. He always fell. Aki was really stupid. Kei never fell of course. She could walk just as good as mom. And just as good as dad. She looked back at the girl who had called Aki stupid too and nodded. [b]"He is stupid."[/b] She said decisively as she tried to decide what to do. Should she walk to the wall? Or should she help Aki up? Oh, but first she had to introduce herself like she had learned. [b]"Kei Hon."[/b] She mumbled with a bow. [b]"I don't know if it is the best name."[/b] Clenching his hands into fists, Akimoto didn't want to cry. He was a champion. A little one, but he wasn't stupid. Pouting as he managed to get up, he felt that his nose was not feeling comfortable. Briefly placing his left hand to check if it was still on the same place, Akimoto heard what the girl said. Sachi was the best name ever? But what was his name then? He thought his name was super nice. Did that mean that his mother and father weren't in time to name him Sachi? That was so unfair. [b]''Akimoto Hon.''[/b] He muttered, not really feeling that happy. Why didn't he have the best name ever? [b]"Even your name is stupid!"[/b] Sachi said convinced, before sticking out her tongue at the boy. Stupid boy! Yes he was! [b]"It has no S or E in it, so it is really stupid."[/b] Kei glanced back and forth between Aki and the new girl. Sachi. The best name. Did that mean she was the best person too? Because your name kind of determined who you were. She was Kei after all and her name was Kei. [b]"Akimoto is not a stupid name."[/b] She said then because that had to be true. Her mother and father had given Aki that name right? And her mother and father were really cool. Surprised, the little champion regained his hope. His valour was back! A smile formed on his lips as he heard what Kei said. Huffing his cheeks, Akimoto placed his fists on his side as he tried to make himself a bit bigger than he was. [b]''My name isn't stupid.''[/b] He said, almost in the same manner as Kei, like he would need to confirm the words of his sister. Realizing who's words he was confirming, Akimoto became confused. Dropping his brave and heroic pose, he lowered his head as his right hand went to his chin. Kei was usually mean and then nice. But what if she was trying to be mean while being nice? No, she wouldn't try to be mean and nice. What would she be then? A nice meanie? That made no sense! There couldn't be such a thing! Or maybe.. Suddenly a large threatening shadow loomed over the group of children as one of the grown-ups approached them from the large group they had just escaped from. [b]"Ah, here you are! I've been looking for you two!"[/b] Kensuke said with a friendly voice, kneeling down to be at eye-level with the children. [b]"Your mother will be worried sick by now!"[/b] He added on a light tone, before sending a look at the other girl, who looked at him with the meanest frown he ever saw. [b]"And who is your new friend over there?"[/b] Kei's head shot up immediately as she heard Kensuke's voice as she stared up at the adult with big open eyes. It was that really cool guy! He was also reeallly tall, but suddenly became less tall and way closer to them. Kei decided that hiding behind Akimoto was now the best course of action. Normally she would hide behind her mother, because she was strong and just as tall as this guy, but today Aki would have to do. She grabbed the hand of her twin brother and forced him forwards a bit so that he would be before her and in the way of Kensuke. Still it seemed unpolite not to answer his question so she opened her mouth to tell the guy who this girl was when her voice was intercepted by another one. [b]"Her name is Sachi."[/b] A voice came from behind Kensuke. [b]"I believe I told you that once."[/b] The voice didn't sound mad, but rather... on edge. Uncomfortable. A hint of anger. And that was exactly how Eiji had felt when he had started to run around in panic for his lost daughter and now had found her with the killer of his wife before her. Kensuke Nimatsu. How was it that he had to be here. Now. At this time. At this moment. With his daughter. The faiths really liked to toy with his mind, didn't they, pushing him in the path of this guy again. For a moment all he could see was how that man had stood before Samaki. How they had greeted one another. How they had fought. And he could see him cut through her once again. But that was not now. Kensuke wouldn't slash through his child. He knew that. He believed that. And yet... [b]"I suggest you move."[/b] Startled by the sound of another tall leg tree, Akimoto's eyes widened. He looked up to the person. He had seen him before. The one that he had tried to befriend, but his mother had kept him on her lap. That had been troublesome as the person looked cool, so far a tall leg tree could look cool. Except his mother and father. They were also tall leg trees, but they were different. At least they called him by his title. With Kei shoving him in front of her, he huffed his cheeks again as he tried to frown. He would impress this tall leg tree! Only then to be surprised. His mouth dropped as he saw how the tall leg tree became smaller! He wasn't aware that the blond person could do such a thing. This one was thus full of tricks. But before Akimoto could answer back, after Kei had spoken, another tall leg tree came and approached them. Wary of the sudden two tall persons, Akimoto was considering a way out. He had to make sure that he and Kei could escape. Maybe they should bring Sachi with them. A companion with the best name, but not the best smile. Never the less, a champion as small as him couldn't leave such a good name bearer alone! Keeping a close on the two, a devious and cunning plan was being produced in the mind of the little champion. [b]''Sshh. Like before.''[/b] Akimoto whispered to Kei. Hoping she would pick up the hint of what they had done before to sneak away, they had just wait for the right moment. Stupid tall grown ups always had something to discuss or talk about with each other. Startled by the sudden arrival of the man he looked over his shoulder, and then felt his heart skip a beat. While he had been startled by the sudden voice, he was scared to death for a moment when he realized who it belonged to. Eiji Emiya. The man whose wife he had killed during a simple duel, right infront of his eyes. The man in this world with the most right to hate him and kill him. He wanted to say something, but all he could feel was a painful sensation of guilt and sadness running through his chest as he swallowed his words, knowing that no words would help here. Stepping aside as he asked him to, he allowed the man to reach his daughter, as he stared at the ground between his feet. [b]"Dad!"[/b] Sachi said, and stood up a tad too fast for her own good, nearly falling over, but skillfully recovering, unlike the stupid kid. [b]"He is stupid!"[/b] She said, pointing at the boy who was 'secretly' whispering in her sister's ear. She stared intensely at her father with the most hopeful look, biting on her lip with anticipation of his words. He had to agree. I mean like, he didn't even have an E nor an S in his name! So stupid! Duh! As soon as Sachi spoke to him Eiji's features softened and he stepped forward and kneeled to meet the girl and lift her up in his arms. [b]"I told you not to run off, little eggplant."[/b] He said to her, but he didn't sound very mad. He poked her cheek with his finger. [b]"If I have to look for you and Kuni all the time I won't be able to do my job. Ever. I'll only be running after you guys."[/b] He hoisted the little girl a bit higher and took a step back. [b]"And you can't go around and call people you just met stupid whoever,"[/b] his eyes shot to Kensuke, [b]"they are."[/b] He smiled back to the girl. [b]"I'm sure they are... nice."[/b] Kei in the meantime found it a good idea to follow Aki's lead. Sneaking away did sound good though... Kensuke was really cool. But he was also really big and kind of intimidating and kind of scary. But cool. She bit her lip. Kensuke had said that her mother was worried. She turned to Aki. [b]"Shall we sneak back to mom?"[/b] She whispered back as she followed her brother. With mild interest Eiji watched the two go. [b]"Your kids are escaping."[/b] He said slightly amused to the downcast Kensuke. Sneaking away, Akimoto wasn't paying much attention. Our hero was walking again through the dreaded leg forest. Frowning, Akimoto wasn't seeing any legs anymore. But mean and scary tall trees. Without a trust worthy sword or shield, he had only his armor and courage. [b]''Hmm.''[/b] His frown was replaced with a curious look around. He had to protect the princess and then manage to find their mother. But first getting rid of those grown ups. And find a good name. Maybe he could find a better name than Sachi. Or find the place where he name came from. Then he could bring it back home and also be liked for the best name ever. But still different than Sachi. The imaginary world was shattered as he realized that Kei had asked him something. [b]''Yes, yes. But first, we must escape!''[/b] Akimoto told her. Hoping to keep him and his sister hidden among the crowd, Akimoto realized something. He had no clue where they were or where their mother was. Shocked by the grim fact, Akimoto started to look around. His lower lip trembling as he started to feel scared. His mother, where was she? Producing some soft sounds, Akimoto wasn't sure what he should do now. As Eiji warned him about Aki and Kei running off again he felt angry with himself for being so incompetent. He couldn't even keep track of two kids right underneath his nose. He turned around to catch the two devils in the process of sneaking off, and sighed deeply as he picked both up, one in each arm. [b]"Now don't go running off again. Because I've been here before doesn't mean I can't get lost here too. Thereby, your mom would kill me if I'd lose you two."[/b] He told both of them as he turned back towards Eiji and Sachi, and immediately grew a pained expression again as he looked the man in the eyes. He looked away and tried not to be awkward, horribly failed, and was then saved by the children's oblivious innocence, which in this case, didn't make him feel better. [b]"Is that man stupid too, daddy?"[/b] Sachi asked Eiji as he picked her up, playing with his red hairs. Her daddy had like the most amazing red hair, as if he was like, on fire. It was awesome. He always told her that her hair was nicer though, as it had the same colour as mom. She always wondered who this mom-person had been, that her dad talked so much about it. Maybe she should ask daddy if she had been stupid too. But she had red hair too, and had a cool name, so maybe she wasn't. But she'd ask just to be sure, once. For a moment Eiji could only stare at his daughter. He blinked once. He blinked twice. And then he laughed. Here he was, standing once again opposing the man who had killed the woman he had loved with all his heart, on his arm a small child on his arm while the other man was trying to restrain two, and Sachi just had to ask that question. If he wouldn't know better he would say that she had timed this perfectly. Thought it out for months with that frown that she always carried. The one that reminded him so much of her. It was the only question she could ask at this exact time and this exact place and it made him laugh. Childeren, he thought, were really amazing sometimes. [b]"Yes,"[/b] Eiji replied. [b]"I'd say he is pretty stupid."[/b] He had expected him to explain her something about her mother and his involvement in her death, he had expected a hateful gaze and a painful silence, he had expected a sneering comment about how damn stupid he was, but nothing in the world could have prepared him for this. Eiji ... burst into laughter ...? No, that must've been the last item on the improbability drive based on what he expected. When the man then added that he was pretty stupid, all Kensuke could do was stare at the man as if he just grew a new pair of arms. [b]"Yeah, he does look pretty stupid like that."[/b] Sachi said, content with her father's approval so recently after saying that she shouldn't call everyone stupid. At least she was right about this guy. He had blond hairs? Pfff! Come on! That was sooooooo uncool. Why was he picked up? Worse, why was Kei picked up? Akimoto started to make all kind of soft sounds, trying to protest against Kensuke picking them up. What if Kei didn't like this? Then she would cry and he would feel bad. He was supposed to keep her safe and happy. A bit in panick, Akimoto noticed that Kei wasn't crying, so he shouldn't worry too much about it. Listening to what was being said, Akimoto realized that Sachi called Kensuke stupid. But now Akimoto realized it. He looked at Kensuke and back at Eiji and Sachi. Then back at Kensuke. Looking displeased, Akimoto raised his right hand and pointed to Kensuke's face. [b]''He isn't stupid.''[/b] Instead of mumbling or muttering the words, Akimoto spoke them with normal volume. [b]''He is... scary, but nice. Like a friendly giant.''[/b] Akimoto looked at Kensuke. Frowning, Akimoto didn't like it that the tall person was called stupid. Maybe he wasn't that bad, even as a tall person. [b]''He knows mom.''[/b] Trying to sound confident, Akimoto was a bit intimidated by the other person. Eiji had red hair like his mother and Yukara. Did that mean he was a Cho too? Then they were family, weren't they? Unlike Akimoto Kei wasn't paying the least attention to the strange new man and the little new girl that they had met. She was being held in one arm by Kensuke. Kei stared to his face from the side, her eyes big almost shocked. Then her ears picked something up about someone being stupid. Kensuke being stupid. That couldn't be true. And he wasn't scary either. Well he was, but he was like... tall. And blond. He was like... a hero from the stories. Way more then Aki. Aki was way too small. Pondering about all of this Kei didn't speak to either of the people present. Eiji didn't speak either. He watched his daughter for a moment, his laughter dying away. No, he hadn't forgiven Kensuke for what he had done, he realized. Forgiveness might never happen, but as he observed the boy he could see that hate was also no longer present. He didn't hate this man which brought a frown to his face. Why didn't he hate him? He should. He had all the right. But then there was Sachi's face and he knew he wouldn't. It was a promise. He turned slightly as if he was going to walk away but then seemed to change his mind. [b]"Nimatsu."[/b] He said slowly. [b]"Look past it."[/b] At first baffled as the supposedly hilarious moment passed, an awkward silence fell as Kensuke sought for a way out of the conversation. However, to his surprise, Eiji, who had also looked as if he wanted to walk away, started talking to him again. He looked at the man as he spoke with a guilty look, and rapidly blinked a few times when he said to look past it. A strange exhilarating feeling rushed through his body as he realized what the man had said. He instantly knew what Eiji had meant to say, but somewhere a voice still refuted that because why would the man ever forgive him? Suddenly he realized he had just stood there absentmindedly, and sighed, relaxing a bit. He felt the need to thank him for it, but that would just make things awkward again. [b]"No, wait."[/b] Eiji raised his free hand before Kensuke could even utter a full word. [b]"I am not forgiving you. I am not sure if I can do that. Ever. I am just saying that at present... Let's say that I don't really feel like bashing in your face anymore. If that means anything."[/b] His tone was almost humorous. [b]"So please extend the courtesy."[/b] He shot Sachi another look. [b]"Besides it seems we both have our arms full."[/b] Kensuke relaxed as the man spoke, and a strange peaceful feeling got hold of him, yet not entirely. Somewhere he was still conflicted about the entire string of events, but Eiji's words did much to easen the painful feeling of guilt right now. [b]"I'm trying."[/b] He replied equally cryptically to avoid the children from understand anything of their conversation. [b]"It seems so."[/b] He replied calmly in response to his second remark, upon which he took interest to Sachi. He didn't want to ask about her age, she should be about ... almost two years by now? It had been a year and a half since he killed Samaki, and Sachi'd have to be born a bit earlier. [b]"You know Sachi, your father was right, I am pretty stupid."[/b] [b]"I know!"[/b] She replied triumphantly, sending Kensuke, Aki and Kei the most complacent look ever found on a two year old. Even the guy himself knew he was stupid! Maybe he wasn't so stupid after all! Wait. What. No, he was stupid. He definately was stupid. But what if he realized he was, did that make him un-stupid? Making a confused thinking face she finally concluded he was pretty stupid anyways, and sticked out her tongue at the stupid tall guy. [b]"All right, come on."[/b] Eiji said, shaking his head slightly at Sachi's antics. [b]"Because of you I left the match and left my new student alone. Time to get back to them both. We gotta see Kuni, okay?"[/b] He asked though it wasn't really a question since he was going anyway. [b]"We have to tell her how amazing her fight was."[/b] But at the mention of that Eiji's thoughts actually went back to his original troubles before he had found out that his daughter had disappeared. Something was not right with Kuni and he had to figure out what to do about it. [b]"Say bye."[/b] Pouting at her dad she gave him her best impression of big and begging eyes, untill she realized his father was immune to that. Snorting she gave in to his demands. [b]"Bye."[/b] Kensuke grinned and nudged both Kei and Akimoto hanging around in his arms. [b]"You guys say goodbye to your friend too."[/b] He told them, awaiting them to most likely equally reluctantly say goodbye. Akimoto wasn't paying much attention. Though the man with the red hair had caught his attention at first, Akimoto was looking around. There was too much too explore. too many secrets that were just laying there or here that he had to find. Heroes and champions did that kind of thing and he wanted to do that. The conversation between the two long legs wasn't much of his concern. Probably something boring and not worthy to be paying attention to. Not while there were secrets, treasures and tales of legends laying in wait for him! Frowning as he noticed a person that looked differently, Akimoto mumbled something as he tried to stretch towards the bypassing person. In a swift manner, Akimoto held something in his right hand. The person that had passed by, kept on walking while Akimoto smiled, looking with a proud look at his new found treasure. A hat, no less! Putting on the rather big hat, Akimoto was already living in his imaginary world, again. At first Kei had only been staring to Kensuke and had been trying to pay attention to what he was saying. But he kept talking to that other man and not to them so Kei soon lost interest as well. Only then she saw that Aki had actually managed to get hold of something. Now that would not stand. If Aki had something she had to have it as well. So she tried to reach for it past Kensuke's face, but, for obvious reasons, wasn't able to reach the hat. [b]"Not fair!"[/b] She called to her brother. [b]"Give me."[/b] He sighed audibly as he saw how Aki had gotten hold of a hat, which Kei was trying to get a hold of. He shook both children softly in his arms so they'd pay attention to him. [b]"Guys. Say goodbye to your friend, don't be rude."[/b] He repeated, distracting Aki enough so he could grab the hat with his hand. Friends? Akimoto looked confused and then the blond long leg shook him! Surprised, Akimoto wanted to protest. Who would dare to shake a champion? Unless he was a villian, then he could do so. But with his attention being drawn from the hat, Akimoto's eyes widened as he noticed that Kensuke took it. That was even worse than how Kei often took what he liked! [b]''Nuuuuu. Mine hat.''[/b] Akimoto muttered, not paying attention to Eiji nor Sachi. Friends? That girl wasn't his friend, though she had the best name ever. And even if that man had hair like mother, he wasn't interesting anymore. The hat was. Giving Akimoto a stern look he waited untill the young boy would say goodbye. [b]"Do I need to tell mom you didn't want to befriend someone?"[/b] Looking with a frown at Kensuke, the small boy wondered what the long leg meant with that. Why would he befriend somebody who called people stupid? There was something as a logical limitation to things. Muttering something softly, he stared at the hat. [b]''Mine hat.''[/b] Kensuke ignored the child, instead staring and waiting untill he'd say goodbye. The intense dissappointed look on his face would certainly help convince the young rebel to listen. Instead Kei got the hint and remembered her mother's words. Something about being polite. With her eyes still on the hate Kei mumbled. [b]"Goodbye."[/b] For a moment she looked at the two new people, but then she was drawn back to Aki and more importantly to Kensuke's face that was increadibly close to her and it was kind of intimidating. He sighed in annoyance of the two children and turned to Eiji to apologize for the children's rebellious behavior when ... He was gone. He looked around the crowd, using his length and even tip-toed to see the red-haired man, to no avail. Silenced and dumbfounded he turned around and walked back to the arenas. Aiko'd be waiting for him.