After returning to the ship, Noelle and Corrira quickly started their training. Corrira was a decent trainer and Noelle was a very good student, and within the two days she learned a small handful of spells. A Lightning Bolt spell, instant hitting and good for taking out mages and warriors alike, a Frost Bite spell for utility and in case she get's too close to someone with a sword, a Weakness to Poison spell that would work well with her poisons, and a conjuration spell. Noelle was surprised that Corrira would teach her such a spell, but apparently it was suppose to be a sort of "Ace in the hole" when his destruction magic doesn't work out. Noelle tested out these spells on her own time when she wasn't out in the city buying supplies. She made a good little profit from their raid on the bandit cove, enough to comfortably resupply the infirmary. So long as no one comes down with some obscure disease or poison, Noelle had the peace of mind that she can deal with any injury that comes aboard the ship. Than the day came. The slave ship that Sharee had her eyes on had finally set sail. Once it was well out of protection of Mistral's harbor the whole crew were stirred up to get moving. Noelle even pitched in casting the sails and making sure that no one stressed themselves out physically; she needed to make sure everyone was healthy for what was about to happen. Soon the lookout saw the slave ship and Sharee told everyone to ready themselves. "Men, to me!" Noelle called out to her lackies. I took a little while, but soon Gaius, Corrira, Naaji, and Omdran stood in front of her. "Alright boys, here's what we're doing. Gaius you shall followed the fighters onto the ship, but not before I give you some magic strengthening. Corrira stay close to me and blast anything that you see that wants to kill us. Naaji and Omdran, I want you at least ten feet behind Gaius and take out any archers or mages that he can't get to. And don't expect me to be there to heal your every nick and cut; I may be the healer on this ship but I can't be everywhere. If you're too wounded to fight than don't fight and get out. Here are some tonics I brewed up for today. Use them only when necessary." Noelle gave each of her lackeys a potion. "Those are Draughts of Escape. They would heal some of your wounds and turn you invisible, perfect in a pinch. Once we clear the deck regroup with me and I'll give you new orders. Now get to positions!"