With that bolt having been off despite the usage of Messiah's 'Aim' Skill, which wasn't all that effective at this low level right now, the two enemies made their move before Midori could make her's. With the shield bearer closest to the swordsman, the sword wielding creature charged forward quickly, aiming to bring its sharp, crude looking blade into the torso of Elik. With its short stature it was hard for it to aim for the neck, so it aimed for the middle of his torso instead with one quick slash. The first slash cut in somewhat deep, a red gash visible on Elik's torso. The sensation of the blade slashing into his flesh was real, especially the pain. It wasn't entirely painful, as Elik was pretty tough, but it still took a chunk of his health away, an HP bar visible in the corner of his vision now, that first slash having taken one-fifth of his HP bar, or 10 HP. It seemed like the game was forgiving in the regard of telling players how much HP they had left whenever they got damaged, that bar not having been there while their HP was full. The goblinesque creature was swift, managing a second slash as a part of the momentum of the first, the creature also somewhat skilled with her blade. The second slash hit as well, slipping past Elik's guard. It barely got by though, cutting into Elik once again, dealing only 7 Damage this time instead of 10. The archer, instead of shooting at Elik, shot at the mage with the tome that had killed one of the other creatures. It pulled back the string of its shortbow and fired it at the girl. Fortunately the arrow streamed right past her, missing by a good bit. With their attacks finished, the players would have an opening to attack now.