Meirin simply nodded her head as Ssarak gave her the vitamancy rune. She had heard a little bit about runes, mostly that it's a type of ancient magic much like her Weaving. More common place however, and as far as she knows has much for functionality. Meirin gripped the rune in her hand tightly before tucking it into one of her pockets. She didn't know how to use it and didn't want to risk breaking it if it could really heal her arms. But at least now there was a solution. Before Ssarak left he also asked Meirin to watch over Lyn. "Of course. Take your time." As Ssarak left, Meirin struggled to dig through her pockets to take out the small container of her medication. She was feeling very tired right now, but she still needed to be awake t take care of Lyn and to get her healing. The pain in her arms made it hard for her to hold her medicine steadily, but after she managed to get a few pills into her hand she popped them into her mouth and swallowed them whole. Once that was done she went to look for Lyn, who had wondered near another caravan. "Lyn!" Meirin walked after Lyn, though she didn't really stop her. Although Meirin wanted Lyn to go back to the college, she couldn't really bring herself to be angry at Lyn. Sure this was a dangerous mission, and she did think that Lyn was being foolish for coming with them, but there was also the fact that if it weren't for Lyn Meirin might have been dead right now. She remembered how she saw Lyn use her magic, presumably herbmancy, to keep the ropes together long enough for Meirin to let go and save her. If Lyn was a bit older Meirin would have suggested that Lyn take Alaira's place. But Lyn was still a child, and despite how useful she's been so far, Meirin didn't want her to be in any danger. With any luck they could get Alaira to take Lyn back to the college, solving two problems at once. "Lyn, honey, don't wander off from us." When Meirin caught up with Lyn she gently put her hand on Lyn's head. She wasn't sure what Lyn was thinking right now, but Meirin wanted to make sure that Lyn knew that Meirin wasn't angry at her. "Let's go wait at the inn okay?" But before Meirin could take Lyn away, she was approached by the merchants. They wanted to sell her "Anti-Demon" weapons. Meirin smiled at them politely but declined. "Thank you, but that won't be necessary. I'm quite capable of dealing with demons. Thank you for the offer. Now, come along Lyn."