[center][b]Yoshikuni Sadako[/b][/center] Standing near the entrance to the field she had previously fought in and looking around, Kuni wondered where Eiji was at. She figured that he must be looking for her as well, and perhaps even merely waited for her to be finished with Reyna. That would be like him, not wanting to interfere. As she moved to stand on the tip of her toes to try and see a bit better, she was approached by a boy who appeared to be the same age as her. Moving back to stand properly on her feet, she listened as he gave her a very short and simple explanation. [b]"Well, you have found me. Yoshikuni Sadako, at your service!"[/b] Kuni said and took a deep bow in an unusual way, moving her right hand across her chest as she lowered her body forward. After getting up from the odd bow, she gave the boy a smile [b]"Don't call me Yoshikuni though. Everyone calls me Kuni. Anyways, you said he told you to come introduce yourself, so go ahead and do that."[/b] She said and looked at him. The fact he called Eiji 'sensei' meant that he was most likely a new team member, which was great. She knew that Eiji thought from time to time that there was something wrong with him that caused him to keep losing students, so she hoped this one was going to stay, just like she was always going to be there for Eiji.