[b]Introduction.[/b] [i]The cloud's Crept over the sun like a Hand grasping a light Dimming the landscape Below. The Kid Looked up at the clouds Pretending to grasp them in her Tender finger tips She pulled herself upright. As a Shadow came hurtling down from the sky. The giant Green Serpent Dragon Lay Still. as The Rain began to continue to grow closer At constant turmoil with the sunlight Scorching heat or cold wet rain Ran amok through the town. as the Girl Ran back to her mother "mum I saw a gaint Green Lizard thing" The girl said Unaware of what the creature was due to her young age. Her mother Dropped what she was doing And ran outside Into the Extreme weather. The mother clasped her mouth in shock as the Limp Body of Rayquaza Lay on the hillside Side. Extremely weakened by what only could be a Extremely powerful Pokemon... The woman Ran back inside As the rain kept beating down and the sun Scorched the dying land...[/i] [b]Infomation[/b] This Is a Pokemon Roleplay Set in the Hoenn region With elements from gen 3 and the gen 6 remakes The role-play starts 1-3 months before the introduction with both Team aqua and magma Terrorizing the region of Hoenn Their are mega evolution's and Keystones In this role-play but you don't have to use them (their is a limit to how many mega stones you get to avoid god-modding) Their shall be 3 Starters But people can have their own Pokemon they got from home or from Catching them with someone else's Pokemon (wally...) The Story-line will be player driven. so I am open to new story-lines and subplots with the main story Here is a Character sheet if your interested [hider=Character sheet] Name Age (age can be 10-17) Appearance (text or pic) Personality (what are they like...) History (at Least A paragraph here) Pokemon (level can be 1-10 to start with) Other (anything of interest) [/hider] IF this gets interest i will make a OCC thread so it can begin [youtube]btO7a3lrxGw[/youtube]