[b]Adelie – Hagrid’s Hut[/b] Addy smiled towards the other students who were gathered near the hut as she approached, waving a bit to those who looked familiar. She turned as Jimmy caught up with her, raising an eyebrow at his attempt to redeem is earlier fraternizing with the enemy. [b]”Well the only way Slytherins win is by cheatin' anyway,”[/b] she said, agreeing with him in a sense, but still not quite having forgiven him. Ah well. He was just too friendly for his own good she supposed. She was friendly with everyone but Slytherins, it was just too bad they were a quarter of the school. Addy glanced over her right shoulder away from James and saw the purple haired girl and another boy walking this way. She scrunched her lips to the side, exhaling a sigh and looking back to James. [b]”D'ya s'ppose I’ve created another Slytherin bully fer me self?”[/b] she asked, already having a few of th snakes who picked on her. Like the one who dared her into the black lake first year, and the one who knocked her off her broom 5th. And those hadn’t even been provoked. Ah well. Best not to worry about it for now. After all, surely whatever creature Hagrid had to display would take her mind off things.