Alzack sat down in his seat in the Conference room, Artemis standing behind his chair and looking warily at the magitek soldiers. The Sonrah Lord was not offended by Lord Kardov keeping his guard present, he took Artemisia with him everywhere even to important meeting such as these so the automatons bothered him none. While he tried to create a calm environment he understood if his guest felt the need to have their protection. "I believe you know why I called you all here, My Lord. The King must be dethroned." Alzack looked at each and every one of the Lords and Ladies at the table. "You all know of what happened to my father I presume? On the words of my house I must take vengeance for such a crime, and even still the man is a tyrant who has abused his power for far too long. I have called all of you here because I know that all of your houses are proud and strong and not whores for the crown like many others." He folded his arm and gazed ahead. "I want you to know now regardless of your answer that there will be no retaliation, nor malice towards you or your house because I understand what I am asking of you,and regardless House Sonrah will go to battle alone if it has to. Still I ask you Great Lords and Queen, will you fight with us to overthrow this tyrant?"