[hider=Huskar] Name Huskar Animal Husky Gender Male Fur/feather/scale and eye color Grayish white fur (he can be mistaken for a wolf on a glance) And a Bright blue eye's. Hissatsu: Shadow Walk: He can move at Extremely fast speeds While in darkness So fast it look's like he teleported However it only works in Shadows and darkness that is connected IF the shadow is Severed and hes going at such speed He will Crash due to losing control as the shadows also increase his reaction time. Item: A Chain around his left ankle for a past crime he has escaped from Personality:Brash And quick to anger He gets into Fights allot Tooth and claw he is a Skilled combatant Using fang and claw to parry and Bite. but in the dark his defensive strategy Turns 180 and become fully offensive with no defense His speed Allowing him to close gaps to keep up the pressure. He has lost most of the fights hes been in and all of them except 1 where during the day The one where he lost Was his old teacher who used to teach him Fighting skill. Background: He seems To have a Hazy memory From Falling Off a Cliff and hitting his skull on a Rock as he fell He was comatosed for a week a Friendly Doe Catered to him But so far He has little memory's Including most of his combat skills His anger and frustation at the Terms of the events he is in has Made him seek fights with people He once found a old man Who unbeknownst to him Was his old teacher Who beat him with a inch of his life Even when it was night. Due to his teachers Hissatsu being a rare and powerful type... that is limited to only the strongest can yield without Dying theme song:[youtube]wwh1pNjRfic[/youtube] Finishers: (i read it carefully) Light's Bane:[i] Using his Enhanced Speed He unleashes a Brutally Flurry of extremely fast attacks[/i] He has to rest for at least half a hour due to the strain The 2nd one which is a last resort requires night time and a wall or vertical surface:Bloody Void [i]Grabbing them He uses his Enhanced Speed To run vertically upwards Throwing them both into the air Making sure he is above the Target He Accelerates towards The Ground This causes a large amount of injury to both of them More so On the person on the bottom due to them taking most of the strain[/i] This Can leave him Comatose amnesiac heavily Injured Or in the best case's With a sprain leg[/hider] [hider=Kaji] Name: Kaji Animal: Fox Gender: Female Appearance:[img]http://i999.photobucket.com/albums/af119/jferg_69/Pyro-Fox-1.jpg[/img] Eye color: Dark blue Hissatsu: Shroud of Flames: Her Hissatsu Involves Setting Herself Alight With Fire The flames don't Burn her But burn everything else around her Most people who view the flames Speak of them as beautiful or Elegant (she was forced to dance on fire For the crowd... during her time as a slave dancer) But Kaji has limits If she hits her limit The Fire begins to cause actually pain to her as well as everyone else and she fears that if she goes to far over the flames would kill her... She can't use her Hissatsu in water And it didn't help that shes a very bad swimmer and gets seasick easily if she is to cold she is also unable to use it Item: she has some golden jewelry as shown in the pic from the time she was a Slave dancer Personality: She is quiet and withdrawn Most of the time Due to her distrust of other people Cause of the events of her past. If one can (rarely) Get her trust She will be a Bit more open to them And a bit more loud And Joyful. She is Not a Fighter But she tries to be to protect what she believes in and to stop The People who want her back under their slavery Center. Background: Her Childhood was simple playing in the field without a care with her older sister. But then the Slave Traders (both bear's) found them. They killed the older sister because she attacked and they Took Kaji away from her family And packed her into a Crate Where she was Shipped To a Growing town named WinterStock Due to the fact that most of their populice where winter faring animals such as wolfs and polar bears. She was Forced to go through the Slave Branding Process Leaving a Hammer shaped Scar on her left side (she Flares with anger if anyone points it out). She was Sold for a large sum to a High ranking Official of the town. Where she was forced to dance. When they discovered her hissatsu that forced her to dance to the ensamble of rich folk. She was treated Harshly if she spoke about her masters Problems. She met a Wolf slave that worked their named Fang Who she would trust and confide in for a couple of months then one day She spoke about escaping... And she was punished for it Because Fang was the snitch to the master he was just pretending to be a slave for money. She was Sentence to Torture by her master Till Her spirit broke and she was obedient like she was supposed to be. it went on for 2 weeks But one day... Huskar was Enjailed Next to her. he had Beaten her masters Son Who had picked a fight with him In Single combat (Huskar beat him easily The Kid didn't even know how to fight) Huskar Was Chained and awaiting execution for supposedly attempting murder. "What you in for" He asked Kaji. Ignoring the guard who stood outside the twin cell's "[i]Im in cause i thought i could trust someone and was Proven wrong you can't trust anyone[/i]" Kaji replied with disgust in her voice. "me im in Cause i beat a up the masters Son Who Tried to beat me at single combat..." Huskar said his eye turning towards the window at the slowly rising moon a Smile crept slowly over his face... Huskar Fake Grimaced in pain. The Guard a boar with a spare Tapped his bars "Is everything alright" the boar Said Annoyed "It hurts So much" Huskar said through a Grimace as the Boar opened the door. "I don't think i can go on Kill me please" Huskar lied "With pleasure" The boar responded as it drove the spear to where Huskars head once was. Huskars Body Flickered As the spear Drove into the floor. Huskars Cage door swung shut as Huskar locked it with the key the boar left in the door. Huskar let out a Large Sigh as Kaji looked at him "Who the hell are you Dog" She Said Shocked at the event as her body ruffled with fire. "hey hey Calm I an't gonna Hurt you" Huskar said Slightly Clueless to why she was mad Did he do something before he fell off the cliff he couldn't remember Taking the keys for the door He unlocked her Cage "Run i will distract them". and so he did Keji managed to escape And so did huskar Albeit a bit later and with a couple of injurys Huskar Lead her out of the town to a cave Where he collapsed. Keji looked at him he was fast asleep exhausted From his hissatsu. "[i]Thanks anyway"[/i]" Keji said as she fell alsleep on the other side of the cave... Theme song: [youtube]Z7YM9gAVeMs[/youtube] Finishers/Techniques [/hider]