[img=http://i.imgur.com/BzTqlOG.png] [b][u]Cuttersbury: Trail towards Drych Lake[/b][/u] Trixie cackled as she rolled over, having fallen off the varren with Aria's command. Her bull-ying of the varren (cuz she was riding it like a bull) was a success! While it wasn't down and out for good, it was enough to weaken at least one of the spiny beasts. She ran out to hug Aria - "Thank you, thank you, thank you--huh?" - only to catch Tobias' frantic legs in her peripherals. It was like that guy was being sucked into a black hole under the earth. Kinda scary to think about it that way. "Don't worry, I'll get you!" she called out as she ran towards the marauder. At once she began tugging on one of his legs, though that only caused his other leg to stiffen up. She heard some muffled cries from underground and stopped tugging for a moment. "Huh? Whatchu say, Tobi?" "Mmmm! MmmmMMMm!!" "What's that? Pull harder? Okay, I can do that!" So Trixie began to pull harder on the poor guy, causing him to keep crying out from underground. Then, something sounded off from nearby - some weird high pitched noise of something small and round soaring through the skies. The prankster looked up in time to see a balled varren flying right at them, as one had done to Moira earlier. Except Trixie was nowhere near strong enough to stop it on time. She did, however, manage to duck, along with bending Tobi's legs with her (in a way that wouldn't cause him to snap his bones) so they wouldn't get hit as well. The varren flew right over both of them, spinning onwards and onwards, towards Jett and Lute. [img=http://i.imgur.com/HTFcvih.png] Amy remained where she was, out of the way of those that had surfaced. Keeping close tabs on the sword users, she quickly casted another spell - this time for Nani, seeing as she was being targeted by more and more varrens. "Nani, watch out!" she cried out mid-spell. During this, the pirate glowed a warm gold; a feeling of rejuvenation overcame her despite the previous hits she had taken, and the one coming on.