Jon helped lift Yvette up, and helped Mike carry her out. He was a third year medical student- more than anything, he had just been watching people treat patients, he really hadn't done anything himself, and began to feel unprepared for the situation. He hoped that an actual doctor had survived, because he didn't want to deal with this himself. He helped sit Yvette down on the blanket, and then sat down next to her, looking at his blood stained pant leg. He heard Yvette ask if she would need stitches, and turned his head toward her hip, looking at it,"I, I really can't say, and even if you do.." He sighed, he was speaking softly, but he had to find a way to put things nicely,"..We might need to find a way to improvise, but don't worry- help will probably be here soon." Jon had been so focused, he hadn't realized that Mike had said something about hoping a doctor or nurse was alive, but could vaguely remember it, and debated calling out. He decided to do so,"Hey, uh, Mike! I'm a medical student- haven't done much though." He said.