For Groups (Can Be made up): Name: Zimbabwean Liberation Army (ZLA) Number of Members: 40,000 and rising Type of Group: Revolutionists Cause: Overthrow Robert Mugabe Location: Across Zimbabwe History: The ZLA was formed in 1998 by Dakarai Ganhi and several other Zimbabwean citizens who were angry at Robert Mugabe's reign over the nation, wanting to overthrow him and establish a truly democratic state, and quickly began to recruit thousands of people into there ranks. The Zimbabwean government had attempted several crackdowns on the organization, but have failed to dismantle it. The group continued to launch attacked against the Zimbabwean government while continuing to mass recruit. Today the ZLA has over 40,000 members and the number is increasing at a high rate. Leaders Name: Dakarai Ganhi I hate Mugabe so....