A low rumble began to grow in the depths of Bloodshot's throat, a sound that some would say was almost akin to a growl, when the pale nuisance appeared, obstructing the end of the alley the mercenary had to go through in order to continue his pursuit of his quarry. Now he had to kill this punk AND get rid of Malia before he could get on with his contract. And to think this day had started out so well... "Tell you what, tiny. You get out of the way and I'll make sure your boss gives you an advance on your next paycheck before I kill him." The little runt didn't back down, and in fact began moving closer, and Bloodshot huffed in annoyance and began backing away as if he'd decided the katana's were too much to handle. "Fine, you just leave us be and you can walk out of here with your head intact. How's that sound?"