[u]Lyn[/u] Lyn wandered over to the caravan. Bodies of men, mostly bearded and grimy, had started to pack away a good portion of their goods back into their wagons for the night’s travel. Other than the assigned sellers, the laborers looked to be of the ill sort and seemed to make her want to cringe back for some reason. Slowly she had come to a halt at the last stall. The one still needed to be cleared and packed away, her small hands pulled up on the table edge to peer over it. Her eyes caught the glimpse of assorted items from bladed weapons to amulets, even talismans to sweet the selling profit. On seeing them, Lyn’s eyes cringed into a wrinkled and unpleasant expression. Something was wrong with them. She wasn’t sure, but something was definitely off with how they looked compared to the ones made by her Uncle Tyrael. Part of her itched to touch them and inside, she fought the impulse. After her mother’s gentle scolding about touching her Uncle’s prized processions, including the glare and rough warning, she had come to push the desire aside. Not that it was easy mind you. Her feet bounced in an attempt to ease the want as well as pull her mind from such imaginations. After a few good stares at the items, Lyn still wasn’t sure why they didn’t look right and considered to give up. Until her eyes brushed her dagger hilt. Of course, her dagger was made to stun demons enough for her escape them. A precaution both her father and mother seemed to approve of as she was taught to use it a few weeks ago. Gently, she reached over to pull it out. Immediately it gave a fierce impression with its hard, crude steel with a pattern of red amber like spirals laced into the metal. Those read patterns marked it a demon killer. The bells seemed to be pleased she had taken hold of it which sharpness could immobilize any demon too close for her liking. However she was still learning and lacked practice. So best she could do was wound them enough the blade could affect them before she scrambled away. Lyn stood there tracing the lines when Mei came up. So lost in trying to figure out the reasons, she hadn’t noticed the woman pull up or the earlier yell until the soft touch followed by the sweet words caused her to look at Mei. She smiled until her whole face seemed swallowed up in the mood. It was a genuine like many of hers were and glowed with the fact she was happy to see the woman looked alright. Soon though her smile turned into a frown when Mei wanted to go back to the inn, unsure how to tell her what was bothering her. Inhaling a small breath, she reached a small arm over the stall’s table to point at a small [url=http://www.hdiphonewallpapers.us/phone-wallpapers/freewallpaper/12960N21U5050-1R57.jpg]trinket[/url] and with pleading eyes tried to get Mei to either purchase it or look at it. However, if Mei again told her to come, Lyn would sigh then she would turn on her heel to walk beside the woman back into the inn.