[b]Character Sheet[/b] - CONFIDENTIAL - --- Personal files. Name: Ria Uchiha Age: 14 Gender: Female Village: Yukigakure Birthplace: Konohagakure --- Known outfits and mugshots. Appearance: [img]http://www.theotakutimes.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/03/62054afaa6d1683369913239e4f1f4a81394196043_full-1.jpg[/img] Facial features: The Uchiha Clan crest is a tattoo at her back. [b]Outfit:[/b] Normally Ria would not wear full clothing; because she believe that clothes are restricting she wears a rubberized bikini designed for battle, it does not posses any power. When she is wearing clothes, she wears a long white shirt with dark blue markings visible at chest and upper arm portions and wear a brown short, long black ninja socks which is tigh length and black sandals. The way she wear her forehead protector varies, she wears it at her kneck when she's wearing full clothing and at her waist when in her bikini formation. She doesn't have an Uchiha Clan symbol because it is a tattoo located at her back. She has a pink hairpin shaped as a butterfly. --- Personal info, to be kept in the archives and never taken out. Known history and secrets: Born from the land of fire, it wasn't pleasant abiding to the strict code and etiquette of the standards and expectations as an Uchiha. Ria, like every other Uchiha are given high expectations to honor the clan and predecessors, the tradition among the clan felt like an eternal abyss of Spartan soldiers, she dislike that aspect of sacrificing fun and work like hell all the time. Young Uchihas would already express their love/accomplishments through awakening the sharingan and getting good grades from the ninja academy and missions, she had some of that but she wants to do something more revolutionary, she wanted to decide her own future and not be tied to her clan's tradition like a hierarchy of ants following just for the sake of order. She ran away from her home at the age of 12 right after her graduation, never before she felt good and of course she couldn't have done it without her mother's help through some connections of a guardian. In the past, the young Kunoichi was despicably tortured and abused by her Father and older siblings, all because she would speak out of turn or not follow instructions and rules. Torture in her case is expressed as teaching her a lesson, electrocution,being whipped, slapped and smacked are the lessons incorporated to her, it was also her Father's wish, love and high expectations as well as anger that she never learns. This was one of the reasons why she is rebellious and restless.She ran away from her home at the age of 12 right after her graduation, never before she felt good and of course she couldn't have done it without her mother's help through some connections of a guardian. Now, a fresh start in Yukigakure, the young Kunoichi looks forward a bright future and decide her own future. Clan: Uchiha Dreams and aspirations: Freedom To decide her own future [b]General strengths:[/b] Electrical resistance; her torture paid off. Marksmanship, she is uses her archery skills. Business negotiator. What she do for a living is have a part time job at Yukigakure's hot springs, she gives massages and beautifications. Through this she negotiates on how much her pay is and what not. She is also good at cooking. Bentos are her specialty. The Ninja heart as contrast to the ninja mindset; it is not measure on getting things done but then lessons and morales learned from the experience. Capable of using genjutsu; at least dispel it. [b]General weaknesses:[/b] Jerk has a point. Not that she is selfish but she is bluntly honest and incapable of encouragement when it comes to astounding goals and whatever goals. Lack of modesty; tomboyish or not, Ria doesn't act like an elegant lady. Her habit of resorting to her bikini explains it. Chakra control lackluster; while she has decent stamina, the way she depletes her chakra is mostly used on chakra dashes etc. this makes her run out of chakra fast. Is Starked. Subverted, Leeroy Jenkins style or not, she charges ahead recklessly with or without a plan, she forces it which puts her comrades in danger as well as herself. --- [b]Combat information analyzed by the village researchers.[/b] Known chakra natures: Lightning Kekkei Genkei: Sharingan(To be awaken in the story) Jutsu's that (s)he has shown capable of using: Basic Academy Jutsus Henge no jutsu; transform yourself into others or objects. Genjutsu-Kai; the canceling of genjutsu. Normal Clone jutsu. [b]Self created jutsu's:[/b] Name: Grand Chariot Rank: C Nature: Lightning Handseals: Tiger, Ox, Tiger, Bird, Snake Description: A small lightning aura that surrounds the user; nowhere near the level of lightning armor. It is a self buff which grants the user better agility, 0.5 difference from the user's original speed. The user can only maintain it for a short period of time, in Ria's case a minute. It is chakra consuming and she would only use this jutsu when she felt it's needed. --- [b]Backpack, stocked with supplies.[/b] [b]Shown weapons:[/b] Name: Blaze Sapphire Description: The name of Ria's bow, based on the shades of blue it has. Special items, keepsakes, necklaces or amulets: Blaz Sapphire, her self proclaimed awesome bow. [b]Others:[/b] Fun Fact: She is Kyou 2.0(In terms of personality at least) rather a counterpart of awesomeness, I made with my heart and soul.