@Asuna: Inactive GMs in general is something that just gets on my bad side. If you're going to make something then stick to it, and if you lose interest then say that instead of making up excuses as to why you won't advance your goddamn story. Just be real with me here, I invested enough time to create this character and post in your IC, the most you can do is not lead me on so I give you my full effort while you give me lazy and half-assed (Mostly just ranting out something that had happened recently). As for the site it really does seem like updates are last minute. Mahz said he was working on the guild so hopefully what he does/did helps the guild in general. Though I've been slowly migrating elsewhere as sad as that is to mention considering I've been with RPG for quite a few years, but I'm not a patient person and there's only so much I can take.... If Free players want to try something different then I say go for it as long as they keep up with the standards of Casual and/or the RP. If they are playing Free in Casual though then they might as well go back to free. If they're trying to get to a Casual level I'd suggest trying out a few writing exercises (I would give a few buuuuut I'm tired as fuck so Google is your friend :D)