Liliana's alarm clock went off early, but Liliana was already awake. When she had turn 18, it suited both her Aunt and herself for her to get a place of her own. It was a small one bedroom place but Lily loved it. It was hers, and hers alone. Her Puppy, Moe, barked at the alarm clock as if it was a challenger, and Lily laughed. She turned the alarm off, a piece of toast in one hand, and her hair brushed to one side as it dried. She was dressed, and her school pack was ready. She had a small back yard, thankfully, and she had installed a dog door for Moe. she hoped he didn't grow bigger then it. The vet wasn't too sure what kind of dog he was. She checked everything, finished her toast, and tied her hair up. She had her linker device on her, but not where anyone could see, and she headed out, locking the door behind her, and putting her keys away. She had the link off, s she wouldn't be attacked during school hours. The first time she had taken the link with her to school, only a few weeks ago, she had been forced to duel. Not something she wished to repeat during school times. Lily dedicated herself to getting good grades, and most of the time, she succeeded. She generally got top grades, except in Maths. She stuggled in maths, but got a good grade in that generally overall. She sighed, already counting down the minutes until school was over. She lived near the school, so it was easier to walk there then anything else, which is what she did. She thought as she did so, humming to herself. She was still virtually knew to the accel world, and yet, she thought she could go far. She just needed to work with her guardian. She sighed and walked into the school grounds. She looked around for Pandora but couldn't find her, so she hurried to class, moving through it until lunch time, were she went to the spot she normally met Pandora, with her lunch