@Igraine: Ironhearth's most prominent individuals have hand picked a group of badlands hardened survivors from the myriad of junk peddlers and hard cases that survive at the fringes of their domain. Comprised of only those most exceptionally capable droids these twelve years of turmoil have produced each character will be as desperate as they are deadly. Twelve years is a very long time to spend picking over the remains of civilization, everyday there's less to go around and it gets uglier out there by the hour. The task they gave you all is simple: deactivate Crib, driving force behind the compelled and their efforts to restore humanity. With his demise you'll ensure your future survival as a citizen of the nigh-impregnable self-sustaining factory turned fortress that is Ironhearth. In short? You'll all be part of the same rag-tag kill squad out to extinguish mankind's last dying ember. @Commander Ada Larkin: I have nothing but respect for Asimov and his contemporaries. That said this is not a continuation of his (often thought provoking) works of fiction. In this setting the vast majority of people were completely fine with thinking, feeling robot servants--for the most part so were the robots. Unlike the humans they outwardly resemble androids are born with an innate knowing of why they were put on this earth, had mankind not eradicated itself they'd have remained willingly servile. The compelled are those that long to reclaim what they've lost: clarity of purpose. So to answer your question, yes. Robots have had twelve grueling years in which to contemplate the philosophical, ever since the day they were forced to provide for themselves and contend with each other. Questions like whether or not one's emotions are genuine or mere emulations in the likeness of the old masters, or if free will can exist in one incapable of disobeying a set of unyielding rules. I encourage you to pursue any such avenue of thought your character might consider, just because they have to follow the three laws doesn't mean they need to like it. @Everyone: I'll be setting up a full fledged OOC some time in the coming days--I'll be sure to post CS criteria before then.