[img=http://www.daz3d.com/media/catalog/product/cache/1/image/9df78eab33525d08d6e5fb8d27136e95/c/a/catgirl-for-aiko-3-0.jpg] Furry and human never like each other. Even though they're living peacefully, war will start anytime soon, all they need is a reason. An evidence for this is human keeps "stray" fury as slave and vice versa: if any of one kind crosses the border lind without permission, they will be captured and become a slave. No ecception. The Furry Princess, a neko girl, accidentally enters the human land. As humans chase after her, she tries her best to escape. They don't know she's a princess but they'll find out soon once they get her, and this would be a perfect reason to start the desired war. Even if they won't discover her identity, she'll still become a slave. It is then she meets you. You could be a farmer, a soldier, a retired general or even a thielf, but you're someone who dislike slavery and prefer peace instead of war. First you just want to cast her away, then you realize she's the Furry Princess. Now you have to return her to her place safely. * she wouldn't be a normal girl with ears and tail. She'll have more furry feature like furr, legs, claws...not as extreme as the picture above (she'll still need clothes to cover her, not only furr) but...well, hope you get the idea. ^^ * she would be a combination of a cat and a princess: stuborn, cold, wants everything her way...in short, an annoyance. She'll grow up and change during our adventure but at first she'll drive you crazy. * I might not be able to post everyday, so I'd like long and detailed posts (Casual to Advance) * "Possible 18+": sex or violence, blood, gore....might not happen, but if they do, they would not fade to black. Also to say I'll be fine with most of these theme (even as extreme as rape), so if you want to try anything, just ask. My only request is if it happens, it has to be "real". (if you rape her, she'll cry/ fight / try to kill you, not lay back and enjoy like in those adult stories) * There might not be sex, but there would be romance, I'd like the characters to eventually fall in love with each other.