[Center][B]- CONFIDENTIAL -[/B][/Center] --- [B]Personal Files[/B] [B]Name:[/B] Katsu Hyuga [B]Age:[/B] 15 [B]Gender:[/B] Male [B]Village:[/B] Yukigakure [B]Birthplace:[/B] The Land of Fire --- [B]Known Outfits & Mugshots[/B] [B]Appearance[/B] [IMG=http://th07.deviantart.net/fs71/150/f/2011/037/3/1/dick_grayson_by_autumn_sacura-d38yk53.jpg] [B]Outfit:[/B] He wears a yellow, hooded vest with a black inner lining and a pair of front facing pockets. He wears black pants and black boots that each have three yellow stripes on them. He often wraps his clothes in sports tape when they are torn to prevent further damage. -Image Coming Soon- --- [B]Personal Info[/B] [B]Clan:[/B] Hyuga [B]Known history and secrets:[/B] In the Land of Fire, Katsu was born into the main household of the Hyuga clan. He was pampered at the earliest stages of life, but then he was kidnapped by a rogue ninja who had intended to add Katsu's chakra to his own, nothing actually personal. At the cost of his own life, a member of one of the branch households rescued Katsu, slaying his abductor, though Katsu never returned to the Land of Fire. He was adopted by the local shinobi and taken to the Village Hidden in The Snow. Not feeling that he should bother putting in the effort to become a top student, he passed the academy at age 12 with his contemporaries. He has long been told he has fantastic potential, but chose to slide by because he lacked the belief that he was worthy of anything great. But after a revelation, he decided that for once in his life he would actually put forth the effort to do something great. He is aware of his Hyuga lineage due to his Byakugan, but he has never left the snow village. [B]Dreams and aspirations:[/B] To avenge any harmed child and defend the youth from being manipulated or abused. [B]General strengths:[/B] [Indent]Fast Reflexes Very Shrewd Ability to Disregard and quickly overcome fear, partially due to his lack of regard for his well-being Dedicated with an Unshakable Resolve Considerate of Others[/Indent] [B]General weaknesses:[/B] [Indent]Lack of regard for his well being Low Self-esteem Can be distracted by his thoughts[/Indent] --- [B]Combat Information[/B] [B]Known chakra natures:[/B] Fire, Water [B]Kekkei Genkei:[/B] Byakugan [B]Jutsus that (s)he has shown capable of using:[/B] [INDENT]Manipulated Shuriken Technique Shadow Shuriken Technique Fire Release: Flame Bullet Water Release: Gunshot[/INDENT] [B]Self created jutsus:[/B] [INDENT][B]Name:[/B] Log Ambush Technique [B]Rank:[/B] D [B]Nature:[/B] Supplementary [B]Handseals:[/B] Tiger, Boar, Ox, Snake [B]Description:[/B] Creating the illusion of the user attacking from above, the desired result is for the opponent to try to throw kunai or prepare a strike. But when it makes contact it is revealed that the 'attack' was just a substitution being dropped on them. Typically the logs dropped will also have an explosive tag or already be set on fire.[/Indent] --- [B]Backpack[/B] [B]Hidden weapons:[/B] [Indent][B]Name:[/B] Shurikens [B]Description:[/B] The basic throwing stars used by all ninja. A large supply are kept on hand because of their small size. Some are preloaded with explosive tags while others are set with strings. [B]Name:[/B] Explosive Tags [B]Description:[/B] Small adhesive slips of paper that can explode after being activated by the user's Chakra. They are not impact sensitive nor hear sensitive, though others may activate them. For this reason, they are kept out of sight and are usually placed subtly.[/Indent] [B]Shown weapons:[/B] [Indent][B]Name:[/B] Kunai [B]Description:[/B] The razor sharp knives that are oh so common. He keeps a small supply on hand in case of an ambush od if he needs to cut a rope. [B]Name:[/B] Staff [B]Description:[/B] A telescoping staff that hangs on one of the pockets. It can extend to be five feet long or condense to six inches. It is made of metal and hollow on the inside. When dented, it can be repaired, and is quite often.[/Indent]