Seeing the beast bellow in rage after taking the full combined force of his and Aurelia's lightning afforded Abel some degree of satisfaction, but he knew there would be no time to celebrate until the thing was dead. When the basilisk's tongue lolled out, Abel considered attacking it, but it was Nevin who took the initiative and showed him up. With equal parts flame and electricity, Nevin unleashed a brutal attack against the monster's tongue while Abel watched, increasingly worried that he wasn't doing enough. Wondering how best he could help, he weathered the basilisk's skull-rattling roars and waited for an opportunity. He didn't pick up on Nevin's glance, but the other boy's words and semblance communicated what needed to be done fairly effectively. “Alright,” he muttered, sweeping over the Grimm with his eyes in search for points of attack. “Time to show what a guardian can do.” Abel took three running steps forward before springing off the ground, sending him into the air. Immediately the beast's eyes locked onto him, and while those four wrathful red orbs were his ultimate target, he knew that the basilisk wouldn't stand by and let that happen. Just as he anticipated, it raised a clawed arm and swung it him with near-terrifying speed and force. Abel twisted as best he could and brought the Ampere down in an overhead smash to try and bounce off the limb. Instead, his legs took most of the brunt, and the guardian was sent spinning to the earth. Abel hacked violently. While the air had been knocked from his lungs by his sudden re-acquaintance with the ground, he was more angry than hurt. Activating his semblance, he released his hold on the Ampere, and the weapon floated in the air suspended by an electric link. Controlling his polearm remotely, Abel swung an arm, and the Ampere followed suit. It cut a wide swath through the air, raking across the creature's armpit, but the arc of its path also brought it close to Nevin. When Abel triggered his semblance to bring the Ampere back into his hand, Nevin unfortunately stood right in his path, and his legs were thrown out from under him by the Ampere's shaft. The tug on the electric connection between Abel's hand and his weapon caused him to look his comrade's way. “Whoops,” he said, too focused on returning his weapon to apologize.