[i](Joint post by BlackSam & Exodus)[/i] The first one to ask a question was Orbit, just as Batman predicted. There was a reason he had picked her as a mentee, and it wasn't just because of her powers or her potential. She had a terrific intelligence, and a fierce independence. Both assets through and through. The girl voiced her displeasure at working with Plastic Man, and with not a completely unfounded argument. Eel O' Brien's successor had abandoned his team, perhaps not in their most dire moment but definitely in a dire fashion. His leaving was a complete betrayal of the trust his team had in him, and the Dark Knight should know, being a bit of an authority on the subject of betraying teammates trust himself. Still, now was not the moment to bring up these concerns. He was just about to inform Jin of this when Plastic Man himself interjected. This small action showed that despite the underhanded fashion he had gone about getting his sabbatical, Plastic Man's time away was a major boon to the young hero. The stuttering teen he had been was gone, giving way to a confident and able man. "Plastic Man is right Orbit. The mission is too big to allow personal feelings to cloud your mind." The Bat gave an almost imperceptible yet pointed look in Gabe's direction, though whether it was for Orbit's sake or just his own feelings for his wounded protege bubbling to the surface no one could say. "I picked the teams personally, and I picked them for a reason. I will not be changing them. I've taught you enough to master your own emotions, and when you do that I know you'll be able to discern why I chose as I did. " He turned to Plastic Man. "The Whitehouse's ventilation systems are secured against intruders, even ones like you. We'll make best use of your powers in another fashion. Now, if that is all." He dismissed the two with a wave of his hand, so casual that it seems he must have practiced it. Batman surveyed the group, turning his gaze onto each member in turn, almost like he was daring them to ask more. When it became apparent they were satisfied he continued. "Good. Then it's time to get. . . " The Dark Knight was cut off by a disturbance towards the back of the base. The team turned round to see Fenrir stalking into the base, still carrying his trophy katana from his and Gabe's battle with the League of Shadows. The Wolfman stared back blankly at the team, unsure as to why Batman, Flash and Cyborg was there, though he would guess it had something to do with the screams and chaos he had heard on the way to the base. Then he saw Gabe, a grunt sounding in the back of his throat, and he limped towards his brother as fast as he was able, the toxin in his system still having some effect. "Hmm. . . I don't have time to bring you up to speed Fenrir. Hellfire, give your brother a shot of the anti-toxin and get him up to speed, he can join you on team one. The rest of you have five minutes to prepare yourselves, then we are moving out." The team wasted no time, each hurrying to ready themselves for the biggest mission of their lives. "It's a good plan Bruce, save for one thing." Batman was checking his League communicator, trying to touch base with his other League mates when the Flash approached him. "Don't call me that, not here. What's wrong with the plan Flash." "Just the small fact that you're injured. You might have been able to hide it from the kids, but I seen you take that shot. Full plasma beam, straight to the chest. You're lucky your armour held, but even still I figure you've got several broken ribs, maybe some internal bleeding. You're no good to us in the field." Not many people could speak to the Caped Crusader so bluntly, but Barry Allen had stood by his side for nigh on a decade and a half now. If anyone had earned the right to speak thus, it was him. Still, the Dark Knight stiffened, either shocked to be told what he can or can't do, or surprised that the Flash had noticed, it didn't really matter, as the Batman isn't one to be told when to stop. "Injured or not, we need every hand on deck Barry. I've got three times the combat experience any of theses kids have and. . . ooof" The Batman fell to his knees clutching at his ribs, struggling to breath. As he slowly mastered himself he looked up slowly at his comrade, the lenses in his cowl being the only thing that hid the look of pure fury in his eyes. "I did that by prodding your ribs with my pinky Batman, not even all that hard. Like it or not, you'd be a liability on the field. We'd have to be constantly watching out for you, and the odds are just to high for us to do that. You'd either get yourself killed or worse, wind up getting one of us killed." "We need you here. You said it yourself, the most important battle is the one Victor will be fighting. You can help him from here, and provide us tactical support. You'll still be fighting Bruce." The two veteran heroes stared at each other for the longest time, two iron wills each trying to make the other blink. It was a ferocious battle with no blows and no words needed, but there was only one way it could ever end. They where both logical men, and there was only one logical outcome. "You'll have to lead team one. . . And don't call me that." Growled Batman as he slowly picked himself up, still gingerly trying to avoid hurting himself any further. "I dunno Bats, I think Ditto can handle that. He's ready." "We'll see." Beck was just getting out of his post-workout shower when the commotion hit the base. He'd have to get up there, and fast. There was just one thing he had to do, first. He jogged quickly to his desk, and took a small case from the upper shelf. Opening it revealed a couple syringes and a couple vials of dark-blue liquid. He swiftly, but carefully, prepared the injection before pulling off his shirt and administering it into his left arm. There really was no pain, he'd become used to the process long ago. He glanced back into the case before closing it. One vial left. He was due for more tomorrow, no problem. He set the case back in its place before changing into costume and heading to the others. Frostbite looked around at the others as Batman started giving them the details of what was happening. [i] 'Shit's really going down...'[/i] he thought to himself. He was concerned for his teammates, of course, but his thoughts drifted back to the vials. He'd be in just as bad a shape within a few days if he couldn't get a supply. He waited until the Bat had a few moments to speak, just after he and the Flash had finished speaking, not necessarily private but in a hushed/away-from-others tone. "Uhm, Batman, Sir. Can I speak with you? Just, away, for a second?" The Dark Knight nodded stiffly, still hurting from the Flash reminding him of how mortal he was, and stepped away from the rest of the group, Beck in tow. "Make it quick Frostbite."