[b]Elizabeth Fontaine[/b] Beth shrugged at Vince. "I was occupied," was all she answered. She knew she should have taken the shot, but really, her mind was on other things. Most people would blame their miss on the distraction, but Beth wasn't like most people. Instead, she walked up to Ryan and dragged him towards the group of people gathered around Hagrid. She gestured for both Tessa and Vince to follow as she approached Hagrid. From what she'd heard, the creature was named Scrubbles or soemthing like that. It was weird and it made her giggle. Releasing her hold on Ryan, she turned back to Tessa with a huge smile. "It's a weird name, isn't it?" The group then moved inside the forest to meet Hagrid's new pet. Upon reaching the clearing where the creature was at, Beth giggled once more. It looked weird, and some of the other students seemed to be scared of it. For Beth, it just looked like an angry lump that moved in an odd manner. Besides, the name seemed inappropriate, which made the entire thing weirder.